Mar 30, 2012 09:50
Here are some THOUGHTS, mostly about Captain America
Is someone writing a story where Captain America is well and truly freaked out and appalled by people being openly gay? As in, he is from a time when people were being blacklisted and denied jobs and FIRED and INSTITUTIONALIZED for being gay and I know! I KNOW, Steve Rogers is an incredibly, fundamentally decent guy who, let's not forget, spent a lot of time with chorus girls, so it’s not especially far-fetched to write a story where it takes him all of an afternoon or long weekend to get over GAY FOLKS, walkin’ around! Being gay!
I’m not saying that Captain America is going to go around calling people depraved perverts or getting violent or gay bashing or experiencing gay panic and punching anyone, OBVIOUSLY that would never happen, because Steve Rogers is the best person. The Best Person, he really is.
The thing is, it’s maybe a security risk and it’s a psychological disorder and it leads to drug use and VD and living secret ruinous lives and it happens because of buried childhood trauma. Right? (Imagine you woke up tomorrow and being, oh, I don’t know, an out of control alcoholic was AOK and mentioning that someone should think about cutting back on the drinking was tantamount to hate speech.) And every time Steve tries to delicately broach the subject, everyone agrees vehemently that Tony Stark is a screwed-up manchild who desperately needs years of psychotherapy (note: this isn’t how Steve puts it) buuuuuuuut, no one actually ever does anything about it.
So Tony continues to--to--to--let’s just call it “date” a parade of incredibly handsome men who sometimes even stay for breakfast like they’re not even ashamed. Not that they should be ashamed, exactly! but--anyhow, everyone else seems to find Tony’s self-destructive promiscuous homosexual behavior amusing, and the way they talk about it--. Well, Steve knows it’s a different time, but calling someone a slut just seems insensitive.
AND LOOK AT HIM, it is TEXTBOOK! Tony grew up with a Problematic Relationship with a Distant Father! And now he's psychologically damaged! It's not just about how it's really not the best idea to have a psychologically unstable person in the Iron Man suit, because Steve is--AGAIN--a decent person, and he's really starting to care about Tony and thinks he must be desperately unhappy inside, even though he seems to be enjoying his life, having a lot of casual sex with tall, handsome men.
If Captain America thinks you could benefit from psychological intervention, he's not going to shrink from bringing it up, even if it might be personally awkward and discomfiting and involve discussion of personal topics. He's Captain America, you guys! He owes it to Howard Stark! Tony is actually a stand-up guy who deserves happiness! Of course it takes him a little while to figure out how best to bring it up, and maybe he has some confusing feelings/dreams during this time, but that would happen to anyone.
So--that exists, right? Don't look at me, because:
1. I am pretty deeply involved in Erik Lenscherr's depraved, disgusting thoughts about someone who can literally READ HIS MIND and probably is only tolerating him because he hasn't said anything or done anything or touched him except out of necessity or looked too long or let himself think about--ANYHOW. Priorities!
2. My brain persists in believing that Steve Rogers is Ken Doll smooth* beneath his pants. Apparently I don’t find him sexy? It’s odd.
*PS: can someone please write that one, too?
3. Oh my GOD EVERYONE, This Means War was the best, most romantic movie about frankly disgusting and scary stalking, misuse of government resources, bald-faced lying and inappropriate boundaries that I have ever seen after pouring a full five shots of rum* into a movie coke. I had the Vapours! Tom Hardy looks real good in plaid. Best argument for plural marriage since John Sheppard was crazy but all his friends loved him (and each other) anyway.
*this is the amount my most leak-proof sippy cup holds.