I attended an event tonight run by various Scottish and Dundonian worthies, which brought " a leading proponent" of positive psychology - Tal Ben-Shahar - to Dundee to talk about Leadership and the Positive City. As someone who is trying to be positive about living in Dundee at the moment, I had to attend.
I did catch a few concepts which I will try to do more with than just throw back in my boss's face tomorrow, but it occurs to me that in order to be a successful proponent of positive psychology, you need a deep well of patience that I'm not sure I possess. Even with the proviso that positivity has to be grounded in reality - in the individual or group's strengths and potential, I'm just too tempted by the flippant comment to be a positive influencer/leader. Even better, I managed to get rid of a few of the 500 soon-to-be-obsolete business cards I was given when I started this job 2 years ago (see...)
In other news, I am still not panicking about moving house. I just need to practice positive reinforcement on myself to achieve the other things I plan to do / attend this month, as well as moving. These include:
zantic's birthday party
2. 5 out of hours seminars between the 21st and 29th January
3. A hen party in Edinburgh
4. A three day "cultivating innovation" workshop in Glasgow
5. The LSE external study weekend (which, incidentally, I have to study for)
6. An advanced presentation skills course in Glasgow
7. The launch of a project which I have been working on for the last 9 months
8. My birthday, which is the exact day I have to be moved by.