
Oct 03, 2009 21:59

Name: Ganymede. Prince Ganymede of Troy, if you'd like to be specific.
Age: 16ish, technically. Hundreds and hundreds of years old, in actuality. Bloody Apollo.
Hair: Blonde, and very very long. And flowing and pretty and ... yes.
Eyes: Blue!

Medical Info: Is actually very very old. That's probably the only thing. Well, other than that he doesn't need to eat and if he cuts off his own limbs they burst into flowers sometimes ;|a

Physical traits: His main physical trait is that he is jawdroppingly pretty :') his beauty is largely the point of him in the old Greek myths, and in Olympos he is meant to be a beautiful thing in a beautiful world, so. HE IS VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL. And, you know, more than a touch on the girly side. He wears a lot of bling, and dresses like an Ancient Greek. Since he is an Ancient Greek.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything you like, he exists for abuse :( just ask Apollo.

Abilities: HE IS VERY GOOD AT GETTING BULLIED. Aside from being a god's whipping boy, he is a perfectly normal human.

Notes for the Psychics: Uhhhhhhh I'll come back to this hmm hmm

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, talk to me.

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Sure!

Maim/Murder/Death: Sure, talk to me.

Cooking: . . . princes don't cook :|b and he doesn't seem to need to eat, anyway. Unless he eats flowers.


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