Jun 19, 2009 01:22
I discovered a community dedicated to past life experiences accidently, and that excited me all over again. I'm confused, because I now can't distinguish what is real from what I have imagined myself. At all. And this eerie excitement still drives me completely mad when I read or hear people saying anything on this topic. The events in my dreams have taken place both in the past and in the future, I met different people, both those I know and complete strangers who played major roles there.
What I know is that I have a strong feeling for cats and maybe a connection with them. My beloved Maximilien once saw a dream where he was told that I am a kind of a cat sprite originally, and in this world I was incarnated as a human with paranormal abilities several times, and several times as a cat. Well, that's what I can believe just because of this cat obsession which has lasted since my early childhood.
The other thing... Fire? It has always attracted me and never frightened. Only later, while discussing something with Max, we ended up speaking about the Dark Ages, witchcraft and inquisition, and then I had a trip to Prague, after which it seemed to me that my character has changed in a way, and I felt that there's something wrong with that all. The dream I've already mentioned gave a clue to this problem, but... couldn't that be just a dream? He himself thinks it was...
One more thing... which I cannot describe, except the the fact that it's connected to physical pain. Neither in Russian, nor even in English. Just... once, when I was a schoolgirl about 11 years old, I was reading a science-fiction book and I encountered THAT, and it freaked me out for a long time. And though I don't find it that scary when I think, and it's only a detail that means nothing in any plot as it is, it just makes me shudder. In one of my dreams I was about to go through THAT, and someone said: "Don't be afraid". But I am not afraid of that. It is just disturbing to read about it. Anyway, I felt so weird that I woke up before THAT happened. Well, enough of it.
Finally, a lot of strange coincidences with the story of a heroine of the fairy-tale I am writing and... the myth about the Norse goddess Freya, who also had the connection with cats. First I write, and them I learn, mostly accidently, that the plot is similar to what was told about Freya. I cannot find any logical explanation to that, I'm just curious.
Too much more to say... and I'm tired.