Aug 26, 2008 11:57
My less than frequent update....
Still job hunting. Had a few nibbles, but nothing substantial. So keep on looking seems to be the motto.
I a making a new fighting shirt for the Boy. At September Crown last year I had promised him a new shirt after having had to do some emergency repairs to his current shirt. And in the process of cutting the shirt this morning realised (yet again) how out of practice I am with sewing. Took the measurements last night and some critical measurements did not get taken. However, the shirt will be done by Sunday.
As Kate warned us, it is really difficult to get the landlord for the new place to commit to a date. If we cannot get a commitment out of him for the move-in date I will just have to start looking again. I am determined that we are moving closer before the end of the year.
Have not done much craftswise, but made a list this morning and attached some dates to said list. I work better under pressure (see shirt above) so since all else seems to be failing I will just have to give myself deadlines. And that includes keeping a diary here so more craft should be appearing.
Writing the survey of needlework class continues. After weeks of procrastinating I have finally put the basic structure to be bed. That has helped a lot to see what holes I need to fill and where I might be overambitious. And to keep myself on track I have a minimum word count for each week. Will have to see how that works.
I am looking forward to crown this weekend. No new duds for me, but that's life.