Jun 30, 2019 13:08
morning pages went right out the window once i had to work at 7:45 in the morning.
its been awhile since i worked so much. and right after going to the naraya.
last friday was the feral femmes project at prior day farm. i waste sure what to expect, it was like a strange experiment. i wanted to bring in some of the medicine from the naraya. earwig and berry. spider. we had two different performances. 30 tickets for each show. one at 9:00 and one at 10:15. the sun had just gone down around 9 so we started with alot of light. i was able to get into an altered state. to be in that state and be present for the twilight hour and move with the shifting light was so wonderful. there was a moment that stands out when i was admiring the borage flowers with the twilight sky in the background. there was a glowing sensation. i tasted the hanging strawberries, wrapped my mouth around their shape. to see people that i knew, the choice in how to interact changed with each person, known and unknown. there were sounds. snarls and scrowls. sounds of uncertainty, curiosity, pleasure. to feel the resonance of the voices and bodies near me, to respond, to react. so grateful to be in the space with so many wild and inspiring creatures. i was in the garden, cultivating and tending to the space. i wanted it to feel safe. i wanted to feel safe. i wanted others to feel safe, once i trusted they were safe.
i talked to mizu about it briefly this past thursday at kellys housewarming story night. she said she fell into a deep depression after feral femmes. i had mentioned that i was feeling the reverberations of the project. we agreed that the depression could be a reverberation as well. id like to talk to them more about the connection between performance and depression. the energetic shifts that take place before/during/after performances.
michael has been in a very intense state of constant anxiety. i dont think thats an exaggeration. it perhaps waxes and wanes. his body is fighting off an infection. its connected to concerns about climate change. which has lead to looking up info on anti climate change theory. im not sure what the actual term would be...
sounds like there had been alot of skewed information about the affects humans have had on climate change based on political agendas.
i went to salty's magazine release for the grandma reporter at the hollywood senior center. what an incredible experience. to be surrounded by elders and young women talking about intimacy together. fucking beautiful.
went to chloë's sexy birthday party last night. felt good to be in a room with strangers and find such comfort and ease. tender touch and teary eyes.
chloë's last performance had me twisting my face and staring in awe. by the end i was literally in tears. i havent been that moved by a performance in a long time. what a fucking incredible human being. grateful to know this one.