mistakes we knew we were making 1/?

Jun 10, 2009 22:40

Juliet seemed acutely aware of his actions, his second-guessing. She was damn instinctive in that sense. She’d come to know him over the past few years. She was familiar with his defense-mechanisms, with his mannerisms. Any day before Jack and the others had arrived back on the island, he wouldn’t have hesitated to come over and comfort her. He wouldn’t have faltered. lost missing scene for the variable implied kate/sawyer. (hints of jack/juliet and sawyer/juliet).

Takes place towards the end of The Variable, while Sawyer and Juliet are preparing to leave and head back to the beach. Let’s pretend that Sawyer and Juliet received, oh, say, ten more minutes to pack before they were so rudely interrupted.

This is just merely Sawyer and Juliet reflecting on their respective situations with Jack, Kate, and each other. Honestly, there’s no declarative pairing, but I hope you get the subtle undertone of Sawyer/Kate.


Sawyer turned to Juliet roughly. “You still got my back?”

Juliet’s jaw stiffened. “You still got mine?” She turned away, shoving a handful of shirts into her bag.

Sawyer caught himself in between walking over to her and turning away. The old Sawyer, the Sawyer he had been before this island, he would have turned away. But, with Juliet, he was different. He was respected and revered. He was a man of decency, a man worthy of honor. He’d never known that feeling before.

But, as he stopped himself from walking over to Juliet, a simple gesture that he’d fallen in sync with so easily over the past three years, he realized that he wasn’t her Sawyer anymore. Everything had changed, and whether they liked it or not, they had to scramble to save their lives before they could worry about saving their relationship, that is, if there was anything left to salvage.


Juliet seemed acutely aware of his actions, his second-guessing. She was damn instinctive in that sense. She’d come to know him over the past few years. She was familiar with his defense-mechanisms, with his mannerisms. Any day before Jack and the others had arrived back on the island, he wouldn’t have hesitated to come over and comfort her. He wouldn’t have faltered.

She paused. Jack and the others...she’d realized that she’d always referred to Jack first. She wondered if Sawyer did the same thing...referring to Kate first. She didn’t wonder for very long. She was sure he did.


“Things are gonna be different,” Sawyer muttered, very much aware that his sad attempt to summarize the subtle differences in their relationship was lackluster at best.

Juliet leaned back, arms pressed firmly against the window frame. “Of course they are,” she said firmly, never flinching.

This was one of the things Sawyer had grown to love about her, her toughness. She was unusually cool, always collected and level-headed, never a slave to her emotions. Now, he appreciated her icy attitude more than ever. An emotional explosion was not something he was prepared for.


“What do you think he’ll do?” Juliet asked, changing the subject. She zipped her bag tightly, tossing it on top of the bed.

Sawyer looked up, jarred from his thoughts. “Who, Daniel?” He shrugged, shaking his head slowly. “The kid’s a whack job.”

“Maybe,” Juliet agreed slowly. “But what if he’s right? What if he can get us back to where we belong?”

Sawyer’s eyes darkened, his voice gruff. “Juliet, there ain’t one of us going through this nightmare who has a damn clue where we belong.”

Juliet stood deathly still, as always, her wide eyes soaking in all of Sawyer’s words. That’s what I’m afraid of, she said silently.


They waited in the bedroom longer than they should have. Sawyer knew they were running out of time. He knew it would be moments before they were discovered. They had to hurry.

He turned around, glancing at Juliet who sat steadily on the bed, just scanning the room. It was hard for her to leave this, he knew that. It was hard for him too. They might never be happy together again. It wasn’t an easy thing to give up, happiness. But they had no other option.

“You called her Freckles,” Juliet said, her voice unrelenting and steady. Her eyes flashed up at Sawyer’s.

Sawxyer halted from his attempt to leave the room, inching around slowly. “I always call her Freckles,” he said. It wasn’t a defense. It was the damn truth.

Juliet nodded. “That’s what worries me,” she said slowly, before standing up to join him.

Whatever happened next, Juliet knew their good luck had run out. She knew that from here on out, there would be no rules, no structure, no sense of justice. Everything from this moment on was out of her control. She didn’t like when life was out of her hands.

She caught a click glimpse of herself in the mirror, a wild, savage look in her eyes; a look that reminded her of Sawyer. It looked foreign in her reflection.

Juliet was many things, but unfair was not one of them. She knew this situation was hard all around, for her, for Sawyer, for Jack, for Kate. She knew ultimately, the decision would come down to who each one loved the most. She just feared no two would pick alike. Her worse fear at the moment was Sawyer not picking her.

The thought of Jack not choosing her stabbed at her chest as well.

She heaved her bag off of the bed, catching Sawyer’s eye, finally aware that they both felt the same way, torn.


I may continue this through Jack/Kate’s perspective, and maybe go farther and do different things as the episodes continue. Let me know what you think...and sorry, I’m very in character, I don’t go o/c often, so unless the writers end this tension quickly, this will be pretty long and drawn out.

Comments make me smile.

show: lost, character: not romeo but..., pairing: kate/sawyer, character: the name's james sawyer, character: freckles, character: a doc named jack

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