So, it turns out that using Photobucket to host all the pictures I used on Dreamwidth/Livejournal was a mistake.
Third party hosting isn't possible any longer on Photobucket with a free account, and all the pictures I used were turned into placeholders on my blogs. I'd need to upgrade my Photobucket account to allow for third party hosting--I might have considered doing it if the price had been reasonable but we're talking 400 dollars a year, which is ridiculous.
I'll just need to find another hosting service for the future (and if any of you has any recommendation on that front, I'd be grateful) but it annoys me a great deal that past posts are now filled with the same placeholder instead of my pics. Not that I'll have the patience or the energy to go back and fix everything, the way I know some people are doing.
So, yeah, damn you, Photobucket.
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