Last Monday, we went for our annual outing to
Pairi Daiza (The park is so beautiful that we've decided to make it a tradition).
Of the two red pandas, we only saw this one, sleeping--we understood why when we got back home and checked the park Facebook: the female has had a cub and is hiding with it. ♥
This one was hiding last year...
Storks, storks everywhere in the park...
The giant pandas were a lot more active than last year--probably because we caught them at breakfast time.
"Crocodiles live here. We advise not to go for a swim. Survivors will be sued."
(A friend once spotted a sign that said, "Don't lean over the fence, you might fall in the lions' enclosure and they'd eat you. They might get sick.")
The peacocks were everywhere. I don't remember them from my previous visit.
Asian otter.
Sleeping time, it seems...
Asian éléphants (the little one was born only a few weeks ago).
Maybe you saw this video a couple of days ago? That's them.
The new jellyfishes are magnificent.
I have mentioned the peacocks everywhere, yes?
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