Books in 2011: March

Apr 01, 2011 17:29

Terry Pratchett Le grand livre des gnomes (Truckers - Diggers - Wings)
Bought: June 2008.

Neil Gaiman Miroirs et fumée (Smoke and Mirrors)
Some of these stories are going to stay with me for a while, I believe. I can't believe it's taken me this long to start reading Neil Gaiman--wonderful writing.
Bought: October 2008.

Olivia Woods Star Trek Deep Space Nine : The Soul Key
Bought: February 2010.

Una McCormack Star Trek Deep Space Nine : The Never-Ending Sacrifice
Bought: February 2010.

Kirsten Beyer Star Trek Voyager : Full Circle
Bought: February 2010.

Kirsten Beyer Star Trek Voyager : Unworthy
Bought: February 2010.

Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen Stargate Atlantis: The Chosen
This one? I didn't enjoy that much. For one thing, I couldn't see canon!McKay acting like he did here. For another, the way they painted this society didn't convince me, and the uprising scene felt downright ridiculous. And clichéd, too.
Not the worst I've ever read, but certainly not the best.
Bought: June 2006.

James Swallow Stargate Atlantis: Halcyon
I won't complain too much about the characterization; certainly, I've read worse.

I didn't like the way the world-building much, but maybe that's just me. Still, the story was enjoyable.
Bought: August 2006.

Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen Stargate Atlantis: Exogenesis
This one is pretty bad; the story lacks consistency, the characterization left something to be desired, and it didn't manage to hold my interest for very long.
Bought: March 2007.

Martha Wells Stargate Atlantis: Entanglement
My favorite this month; wonderful characterization, lots of wonderful team!moments, Radek and Miko were present all along, the story was interesting and gripping, and it just felt like I was watching an episode. (As a side-note, I find it interesting that it was relatively short; clearly, the author didn't feel the need to make the story go on and on and on; the book ended when it needed to end, instead of trying to divert the reader's attention between one main story and two or three b-stories).
Bought: June 2007.

Jeff Lindsay Dexter dans de beaux draps (Dexter by Design)
On the plus side, I didn't hate it nearly as much as I hated Dexter in the Dark.

But it still wasn't nearly as good as the first two books--being a good seventy pages shorter wouldn't have hurt, but the main problem is that... well, nothing happens.

Dexter keeps making sarcastic comments and reminding the reader that he's a psychopath, but he barely acts like it anymore. The authors tells us instead of showing us, which grows annoying after a while.
Gift: February 2011.

Mark Haddon Une situation légèrement délicate (A Spot of Bother)
Bought: July 2008.

Licia Troisi Guerres du monde émergé, Livre I : La secte des assassins (Le Guerre del Mondo Emerso I. La setta degli assassini)
Gift: February 2011.

Mark Powers, Ardian Syaf & Brett Booth The Dresden Files: Storm Front, Vol 2. Maelstrom
Bought: March 2011.

Lorànt Deutsch Le Métronome illustré
Borrowed: March 2011.

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books, books in 2011

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