I just added a few recs to
my website. Do you ever get the feeling that you're reading way too much fanfic? Because I certainly feel that way these days... When I begin to wonder whether something happened in the books or in a fic, I know it's time to give my eyes a break
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Thanks so much for recc'ing my fic, "Sacrificial Lamb." Just so you know, I just got an e-mail from the powers that be at fanfiction.net pulling my story. ARGHH! However, all is not lost. It is also archived at hpfandom.net. Hope you don't mind linking there instead of fanfiction. Thanks again for recc'ing this! It was a labor of love and one I enjoyed writing very much.
Re fanfiction.net Oh, for the love of.... In the last week, they pulled A Year Like None Other, The Power of Time, and that's the two most well-known stories, I'm sure there were others!!! What is it with them?? I noticed that the badly written stories where Vernon rapes/whips/stabs Harry are still there, but heaven forbid we read about two men making love... ::rolls eyes::
What rating did you put on it? Out of curiosity?
Anyway, I changed the link on the recs page :)
I agree, I don't think your story deserved NC-17 either - I mean, with the filters they have installed, you have to *look* for the R stories on FFN. You can't just stumble upon them, you need to set the parameters of the search manually so the results include R stories... It wasn't a PWP for crying out loud. It wasn't even that graphic....
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