May 26, 2004 01:44
Birthdate~11th of June 1984
Birthplace~St George's Hospital, London
Current Location~Oxford
Eye Color~Brown
Hair Color~Red
Righty or Lefty~Righty
Your heritage~Hmm? Me mum's half Irish
The shoes you wore today~Goldy slippers
Your weakness~Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for 65p
Your fears~Failing, loneliness
Your perfect pizza~Mushrooms, sweetcorn, lots of interesting cheeses, green olives
Goal you'd like to achieve~Ooh. I want a nice and cool and fun London or Paris...and lots of cats and a sausage dog
Your most overused phrase on AIM~like
Your thoughts first waking up~Ow
Your best physical feature~My eyes probably. What could be wring with eyes anyway?! I don't mind my face generally, but yuk to the rest of me.
Your bedtime~I'd be lucky
Your most missed memory~I really liked the freedom of the summer after A-levels
Soda~Diet Dr Pepper. Did I just DREAM I saw this once?
Fast Food Joint~The Veggie place in Nottingham
Single or group dates~Urgh, neither
Adidas or Nike~Nope
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea~No idea
Chocolate or vanilla~Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee~Coffee. Black.
smoke~On and off
Cuss~Aw, you yanks
Take a shower every day~Yep
Have a crush~Hehe
Do you think you've been in love~Oh yes
Want to go to college~Well I'm at university, so I think that may not be a move forward
Like high school~Liked lunchtime
Want to get married~Yes please
Believe in yourself~Sometimes
Get motion sickness~Only on coaches
Think you're attractive~When I have no clothes on, yes
Think you're a health freak~Parts of me are
Get along with your parents~Mum - almost all of the time. Dad - some of the time
Like thunderstorms~Yes, but they upset Felix
Play an instrument~No
Played a game that required removal of clothing~Is sex a game?
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated~Of course
Been caught doing something~Well things like brushing my teeth or watching telly, yes
Been called a tease~No
Gotten beat up~No
Shoplifted~I stole a meal in Manchester once. By mistake.
Changed who you were to fit in~Don't think so. My accent has changed though.
Age you hope to be married~By 30
Numbers and Names of Children~Sophie, William, Jago
Describe your Dream Wedding~No priests please, we're athiests. Nice dress please, we're vain.
How do you want to die~Unexpectedly
Where do you want to go to college~Oh pipe down
What do you want to be when you grow up~A commissioning editor
What country would you most like to visit~Italy
Best eye color~Morrissey's eyes are fabulous
Best hair color~RED
Short or long hair~Don't care
Height~Tiny is best
Best weight~See above
Best articles of clothing~Shoes
Best first date location~Well I've only had one first date. That was at the Fezzy Park Odeon.
Best first kiss location~Also only had one of these, which was on the bit of grass between the chippie and the family planning. Isn't that great?!
Number of drugs taken illegally~One drug
Number of people I could trust with my life~six. That's quite a lot I suspect
Number of CDs that I own~120? Something like that.
Number of piercings~Absolutely none.
Number of tattoos~Absolutely none.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper~4 I think
Number of scars on my body~None
Number of things in my past that I regret~2 that I can think of.