Jul 30, 2006 03:12
Am feeling pretty sleepy at the moment and have sobered up a bit too though the headache is setting in oh yes what joy...
I haven't really done much today... was scorchio weather, and even the rain didn't make it much cooler... Alison wanted me to go out and help her print off her wedding photos (228 :oO) because she didn't know how to work the machine and on the way to getting them done this boy started staring at me as I was walking down the street and started smiling at me and I was kind of going 'what the hell?' and giving him a similar, sceptical look thinking 'do I know you?' followed by a worried look... then he asked me if I was ok, and I was like 'yeeeeeaaah...' (still sceptical look)... and then he asked me if I had a minute, then I saw his shirt, after I had walked off, and it had WaterAid on it and Alison succeeded in making me feel guilty because I said we had to get somewhere (which was in fact true)... then he whimpered the question to Alison and made us *both* feel guilty... for crying out loud if it's not the beggars it's the charity people... I know they're there to get help and money and stuff but it doesn't make you feel great saying no just so you avoid a bit of harassment... about 2 hours later we finally came out of Max Spielmann (yes it really took that long lol) with the photos, then I came home and found myself making the family's tea quite by accident but anywhoo...
Then Nicola came round and we tootled off to The Castle, where Helen was, and then Christine, Lucy and Vinnie came along later... saw a few people there that we knew, including the infamous Felix...
We moved on to The Black Horse to meet up with Helen K and Laura J, which we did (bloody hell the heat) and AGAIN Felix was there... it started raining so everyone pegged it inside while we were at the bar, adding to the heat gargh... that and the damned people round the bar... after that we went to Wetherspoons and saw loads of people we knew... that was heaving with bodies too, so we ended up getting three drinks in one go lol... Hilary and Lucie joined us a bit later and we started taking photos of Felix... he must have got pretty peeved though because he walked off with his friends (damn that flash on the camera :oP) and stood by the stairs to the loo... he probably would have been in Strata but I didn't dare go in and wasn't in the right frame of mind to to be honest... ran into Meg though (Lorraine's sister) who is at Newcastle, and her friends, then these 2 randomers who one of her friends apparently knew from going to the Music Centre... one of them asked me how old I thought he and his friend were... I thought he looked about 20 and the other about 17, turns out they're both in my year at Bradford Grammar and they know people that joined our sixth form and that I sat with and stuff in biology... freaky :oP ARGH I have pins and needles in one of my feet and it is PHYSICAL AGONY *runs round room*
Meg actually started talking to me about Felix (she didn't see the picture taking) so I now know a little more about him... she was asking me if I thought he was shy, because he knew her and looked at her but blanked her... she gave me a lift home as well which was sweet of her... and now I am home! Have uploaded the photos I took tonight... some very drunk ones of people *taxi for Nicola* hee hee, and reminded of some rarities that tapped me on the shoulder and wanted to be in a photo I took :oS... well perhaps it is a little harsh to call them rarities because they were merry but you know, I thought it was pretty weird and all... Nicola, bless her, got up and posed with them lol! :oD
After I came in I decided to come on joyous and reliable MSN, but when I came back in the room after turning the blasted computer on I managed to kick over the pint of water I had left on the floor and guess where it landed... I promptly began to swear and ran into the kitchen to retrieve a towel and mop up the wetness... I was so scared the computer was going to blow up I tells ya...
Anywhoo, I have now looked at the photos (ha HA one of them of Felix is one where he is actually getting up to move away from the constant flashes of light... oh my god if he actually ever gets introduced to me I would be scared, because he would be able to put a name to this freak of nature that takes photos of him in Wetherspoons) that were taken tonight... I should take a cameraderry out more often, even though it adds about 10kg onto the weight of my bag and all...
I am now apparently watching old showings of Where the Heart Is... OMG IT'S 10 TO 4 the time has flown, and I have been writing this damned thing for 40 minutes! You may think 'she takes ages to type' well yes, when I have to keep going back to delete stuff I have written wrong and correct mistakes etc, I rather do YA YA YA
Night all, or should I say g'morning xx