Guess who's birthday it is...?

Apr 02, 2008 21:56

Also, guess what the first thing is my parents told me now that I'm officially an adult?

'If I could please clean my room'

Yeah... I'm pretty miffed about that. Not that it isn't long overdue, but there are other things you'd like to hear, you know?

Well, either way, no interesting things in the gift department: lots of money, because no one knew what to get me (I didn't know what to ask), and a T-shirt (and pencils. I'm always in need of pencils). Also, big thankies to Olynthus for the amazing fic ^^ (LiveJournal won't let me link her name like I want it, but check out her work anyway)

Still have to watch 5D's, but I'm having major GX withdrawal symptoms already.

Oh, and Belgian drivers are so very impolite. Seriously, I wonder why I'm still trying to get my driver's license.


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