
Mar 22, 2008 22:11

Although I'm terribly happy to be going to London, I just discovered that we'll be staying 'till Thursday, instead of 'till Wednesday, as I thought. This means I'm gonna miss the final GX episode in 'real time' (or as real as it gets when you can't watch it on tv). Of course, I can just watch it Thursday, but i was kinda looking forward to watching it on Wednesday. I'm gonna take my laptop with me, though. I need to get some writing done, and just maybe there'll be internet access in the hotel.

I'm also gonna try to get my hands on the new Torchwood books, and the GX manga, if I can find that. Which reminds me that I still have to order Sound Duel 2. 
Gonna try to get some more money, my birthday's coming up after all. I still don't know what I want, I've been trying to tell my parents that they can just give me money, but since it's my 18th birthday, thy want to give me something 'lasting'

Also, Fanboy!Judai in GX 179 made me giggle inappropriately.

gx, london, torchwood, birthday

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