May 19, 2008 22:10
soooo uh...yeah. i live in Fullerton now. Havent even stayed a night here. I hope things will be good here.
in other news i got 3 parking tickets today. (insert frowny face here)
Life is good tho, i look forward to seeing friends, talking to loved ones...WATCHING INDIANA JONES ON THURSDAY!
anyways, Sarah leaves for 2 years to africa on july 1st...she will find out tomorrow or wednesday exactly which country...
so to say the least...the next 42 days will probably be some of the most important and most emotionally charged of my life...SO, i say, ADVENTURES ARE A MUST...ONWARD HO!
the first adventure was moving here....the second? well INDIANA JONES OF COURSE!!!
Godbless you people. i love ya.