[ Vanille's sitting in a cafe, though she doesn't exactly know why she's there. She just is! And she's making sure to smile and greet everybody that walks near her table, whether they are also cursed or not. ]
You know, this Earth place sure does have a lot of holidays! It was only Christmas a few months ago, and already there's this... Valentine'
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Hello! I'm Campbell, who're you?
Hi, Campbell! I'm Vanille! [And she beams at him.] How are you?
I'm good, thanks, especially cos I managed t' avoid my flatmate's evil cat on the way outta the flat. I'm keeping my door closed from now on, so it doesnae get in. What about you?
Oh, you're goin' t' the ball, are you? I'd be careful. I think the man in charge is doin' it t' find himself a girl. [He shrugs.] I suppose it could be fun anyway.
Find himself a girl? [She giggles.] I hope he does! I only wanted to go to see what a ball's like, really.
Well, it looks like the place to try it, if that's why you're going. It looks like the most balllike ball there could possibly be wi'out actually inviting Cinderella. Only if you signed up for his Cupid thing, I wouldnae be surprised if you ended up matched t' him.
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