The record height for a Giraff is 18ft.

Jun 06, 2006 00:39

Holy Smokes I haven't updated about anything good! I'm back from Denver, have been for about a week now and boy! Was Denver awesome! I went to the Musum and the Zoo and I really liked the Lions! The Museum was cool I got to see bodys of dead people who donated their bodys to science and they were all cut up and open in all sorts of interesting ways. It was rather interesting. I went to the Country Dinner Play House and I really liked it, the food sucked because it was cold but the play was an "+A". Cherry Creek was fun too, I could have done with out the sand it my sandwich though! It was a very fun 2 weeks.
I finally got my Razor! I like it very very much.
I have a job interview at Wal Mart tomorrow for the fabrics department. Hopefully I get the job!
I can't sleep and I blame Dr. Pepper. Freaking authentic blend of 23 flavors is keeping me awake!
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