A new layout and some memes!

Mar 05, 2008 00:33

So I finally have a new layout! My old one was all kinds of lame, so I'm happy with this one. I'm still fooling around with it a little,, but for the most part it's done. Yay! It took me forever to decide what to put on the header, but eventually I kinda fell in love with the two pics I used and thought the =W= quote worked well with both of them...so there you go. Much nicer than my former layout.

And I owe people some Memes.

lieueitak and keeper_of_stars tagged me in a Name 10 People Who Always Make Your Day Meme. So here goes...

1. keeper_of_stars
2. fgranola
3. brambernut
4. folkballad
5. eyes_so_deep

...And that's all I've got. Honestly no one except miss #1 makes my day every day. But the other four make me smile quite a bit. :D If you want to fill it out feel free.

Meme #2: folkballad tagged me in a "10 things I hate" meme. My letter is M.

1. Manta Rays - the only thing in the ocean that really scares me. I've seen people stung by sting rays and it's not pretty. And I'm a big baby when it comes to pain.

2. Meat - I don't like the idea of it. Just...bleh.

3. Matcho Men (who like to constantly prove their manliness)- hunting, fighting, grunting, whatever - no thank you.

4. Meaness - pretty self explanatory, I think.

5. Mundane and Monotonous things - drive me crazy

6. My Chemical Romance - maybe if they weren't SO overplayed I might have liked them. But Black Parade got really old really quickly.

7. Michael - the name. When I was little everyone (teachers, coaches, camp conselors) would read my name and pronounce it Michael and that always made me sad. Really Michael and Michelle are spelled pretty differently

8. Malfoy - Lucius Malfoy, I rather like Draco.

9. Maple Syrup - I've never really liked the stuff

10. Maggots - I ran out of M words. But who likes maggots?

And because (I think)this was originally supposed to be a "10 things I LOVE meme" I'm going to do that too. Because I kept coming up with M-things I loved, instead of things I hated.

1. Margaret Atwood - well, duh.

2. Magic - any kind: HP, Artemis Fowl, fairy tales, performance magic, I love it all.

3. Moose - oh so very cute

4. Manatees - again, oh so very cute.

5. M & Ms - mmmmm, tasty!

6. Middle Eastern food - hummus, dolma, falafel...yummy stuff.

7. Moms - =love, especially my mom.

8. Make Believe - because Weezer is love

9. Moulin Rouge - one of the best movies ever

10. Mulan (and Mushu!)- fun Disney movie!

I'm not sure if I am supposed to tag people for the last 2 memes, but if you want to do it, just post and I'll give you a letter.

And now I am off to bed.
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