The Problem with Competent Dentists

Mar 20, 2008 18:04

Today I went to get the onlay (that's a Crown Litetm) put on the tooth my new dentist drilled the tar out of a couple of weeks ago. The dental assistant pulled off the temporary and cleaned out the tooth. Neither air nor cold water feels good on the inside of teeth. I'm just sayin'. Once the dentist took a look at the onlay, she decided she didn't like how it fit, so she's sending it back for more work. I get to go back in another couple of weeks to have this fun again.

Now my mouth is just dull and achey.  I'm sure the temporary is just as good the second time it is glued in.

The really painful part is coming in 6 months, when the dentist says that the cavities that have devoloped in the two teeth on either side of this one will get full crowns. Apparently our last dentist did a crappy job when she replaced the fillings in those teeth, so I have cavities forming along the edges of the fillings. Enough of my teeth has been cut away for fillings that the only choice for fixing them now is crowns. Great. At least I have time to save up.

OTOH, I'm still doing better than my mom or grandma. Mom had lost half her teeth by 50, gram got dentures at 30. *Shudder*

So I get home and moriven says to me "Aww, we're getting crowns together...just not the right kind."

health, consumer

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