A gang of us went to the San Jose AMT production of The Full Monty last night. Yes, it adapted to musical theater pretty well.
I wasn't enchanted by the beginning. The opening score sounded like a record skipping to me. (DOOT-di-doo-di-doo DOOT-di-doo-di-doo DOOT-di-DI-doo-di-doo over and over ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) It started out slow and the first couple of musical numbers didn't grab me.
There was a scene where a group of women were complaining about men that really grated on my nerves. Complaining about "men" and all of their supposed flaws is so sexist. It really bothers me. Even when it's acting. I have no problem griping about the flaws of A man, but assigning them to all men is crap.
However, thay redeemed themselves with the song "Big Ass Rock". It was squeeze my sides laughing funny. From there, it was a good show.
The other standout was the "old black guy" character and his bad hip during the dance scenes. That had to be really had to develop convincingly.
Yes, they did go Full Monty. They covered it up with a big flash of lights from a sign that read THE FULL MONTY. While everyone was taking their bows, one of the red satin things was hanging on one of the lightbulbs on the sign. It was really funny.