Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/literary works/etc and put their summaries from Better than it Sounds (
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BetterThanItSounds) and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.
There's nothing too mysterious since I only used those already there. Hints: no movies, but several non-literature.
1. Scientists oppress new-agers with cyborgs and plasma cannons.
2. Earth receives a message from outer space. Scientist try to decode it. They fail.
3. A man beats himself up. Lots of people think this is a good idea.
π. Three Italian history geeks set out to defraud conspiracy theorists. One of them dies of cancer because the Qabala somehow penetrates his cell walls, and the second one witnesses the third one killed by a conspiracy group they had invented over the right to take over the world with a non-existent secret plan based on a laundry list.
4. A man wears sunglasses at night, so he can fight crime. Then the government. Then conspiracy nuts.
5. A short megalomaniac from a society where height determines rank tries to conquer/destroy the ultimate Crapsack World while being opposed by the ultimate Butt Monkey. Also involves pigs and monkeys. And doom.
6. Effete French boy suspects that all his girlfriends are secretly lesbians.
7. Every conspiracy theory you have ever heard is true. Ever. Or at least, that's what They want you to think.
8. A sleeping alien god gets a skin disease. It takes decades for it to start scratching and centuries to actually wake up. Meanwhile, tree-hugging hippies discover that the local fungus is the path to apotheosis, man; Chairman Mao's reincarnation is worse than ever; ancient Greeks are apparently lead by a hot Latina; a scientist goes mad; Gordon Gekko is alive and well in the late 21st century; and American Bible-thumpers annoy everybody (just like today, har har har.)
9. A monk, a shapeshifting monkey, a perverted pig, a former general of Heaven and a dragon prince travel in order to obtain a set of religious texts.
10. Every generation of a charismatic but extremely unlucky man's family both looks the same and possesses the same name, as does almost everyone else he encounters. Each man is unfortunate enough to be surrounded by half-wits, incompetents and lunatics, and is waited upon by a servant whose standards of personal hygiene are barely human at best.
11. A guy minding his own business gets roped into reclaiming a mine.
12. A guy does jigsaw puzzles in his efforts to track down his ex-girlfriend, who might not even exist, and apologize to her. When he finally touches her, she explodes.
13. You control an Extraordinarily Empowered Girl, Church Militants, and giant, mobile stone buildings. If they can make it to the end, your weakest units can take a level in badass. The object of the game is to corner your opponent's second-weakest piece.
14. Badass Bookworms battle Colony Drop spamming Human Aliens from the multiverse with Platonic philosophy and a protractor.
15. A widowed man tries to redeem a corrupt organization, but his father won't have it; meanwhile, his brother is breaking his heart and his sister is having marital problems.
16. Teenage mercenaries use the Power Of Friendship to fight time-traveling sorceresses.
17. An American soldier is hunted across Europe for his penis, which can predict rocket strikes. There are 200 other characters, including Malcolm X, dodo hunters, a platoon of African Nazis and a lightbulb.
18. The fall of the Roman Empire is retold in an outer space setting. A sterile mutant ruins everything.
Or: A bunch of Chessmasters play an extended game of solitaire. Someone comes along and messes it up.
19. Three kings start a land war in Asia. Nobody wins.
20. Vampires travel through time in their battle to overcome a giant squid.