I got back from my two week trip to California on the 4th, and I'm a little ashamed to admit that I'm actually glad to be back in Hicksville, Washington. Frankly, as much fun as California was, I miss the rain and the clouds and the total lack of sunburns. I've also been feeling very creative lately, and I've come up with another plot for a new fic which I'm calling Footprints in the Sane, and I'm considering combining the plotline from a fic I was planning called Libertina (the one about necromancy) with Fear No Evil (which is my Draco epic). I thought it might give the Psalms Arc (Fear No Evil is, obviously, the first part of this series) an interesting kick if I threw some zombies into the plot. So there you have it. Believe you me, it sounded much more logical at three in the morning.
Anyway, I've also been working some more on Three Songs of Shattering; namely Plum and Dogwood, which are, respectively, the second and third parts of the trilogy. I finally got the inspiration I needed to get past a writer's block in Plum, so now I can finally break through one of the less important scenes and move on to the good stuff. The beginning of Dogwood needs to be rewritten, unfortunately, but I still like the plot I've come up with and I'm excited about writing it.
I still haven't figured out what I want to do with the apparent grammar errors in Rose. There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be posting it today, however every time I send it in to FA they tell me there's something wrong with my posessives. Well, I've looked it over numerous times since, and aside from the intentional errors I left in the letters, there's not a bloody thing wrong with it, thankyouverymuch. I tried to explain this the second time I submitted it, but I don't think they really understood what I meant by "letters". Ah well, c'est la vie.
Also, if you write H/D, check this out: