Apr 10, 2007 13:03
We've arrived safely. A little rough around the edges. My body clock says it's about 7am but the clock here says its 1:01pm. The flight was pretty good - and I got a vegan meal which was awesome! Didn't sleep a wink on the flight which sucked but got to see dreamgirls as our movie. I packed way too much entertainment for the 6 hour flight. But while we are here, relaxation is the main point so I'll have plenty of time for all of it!
We are in Dublin right now, the skies are blue and it's "unseasonably" warm here. So hopefully I won't need my winter coat\!
Note: Irish keyboards are set up completely different than ours in the US... so when you see this \\\ It's me trying to hit the shift key. Interesting.
Anyhow, we should have internet access for the next few days. After that we will be roaming the country side! Hopefully! I still haven't gotten used to the whole thing about driving on the opposite side of the road. Scares the s£$" out of me when we were in the cab from the airport. Anyhow loves, see you soon enough! Its vacation time!!