
Sep 19, 2014 03:19

Title: Horny
Pairing: Yixing/Sehun
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5.8k
Summary: Yixing is transforming into a unicorn. Sehun only wants to help.
Notes: Written in March.

EXO's latest commercial is being filmed on what is quite possibly the stormiest day of the year. Rain falls in heavy sheets and everyone is miserable and soaked to the bone, except Yixing, who remains dry and brilliantly lit by a single sunbeam cutting through the clouds. Maybe it is because he's always had a sunny and warm personality, maybe they've just become too apathetic to care about anything anymore, but no one is very surprised. Chanyeol and Jongdae barely even blink at him from under their umbrellas, trying unsuccessfully to flick bits of gum into Kris's hair. Minseok looks at him enviously, shaking under three dripping wet padded jackets.

Yixing squints through the rainbows forming on the edges of his sunlight. He tries to reach his hand outside the area of the sunbeam, but it expands with him, blanketing every part of his body in light. "I'm not the only one seeing this, right?"

Junmyeon sighs at him, rain filtering through his hair and down his face, "Yes, Yixing, we can all see your magic lights. You don't have to brag."

Kris and Tao don't even look up from their phones, huddled together under the ledge of a building and hoping the commercial shoot ends soon. At least before their phone batteries die. Luhan sneezes and Tao snaps a picture, fingers tapping furiously on his phone screen.

"So no one thinks this is the least bit weird?" Yixing asks. He watches Kyungsoo in front of the camera, struggling to say his line before he gets blown away in the wind. It's not going very well.

"Oh no, the sun is shining on you!" Luhan mocks, pulling out a pair of sunglasses from his jacket pocket and shoving them onto Yixing's face, "Yesterday I saw our manager using a high-pressure hose to spray fangirls away from our garbage bags. That was weird, this is just weather."

Yixing sighs and adjusts the sunglasses over his eyes. Sehun tries not to stare at him too obviously. Yixing is radiant in his sunbeam, the soft angles of his face highlighted prettily. It must be some trick of the light, because Sehun has never once been attracted to Yixing before.

Except when he's wearing a tank top. But Sehun is pretty sure everyone is attracted to Yixing in tank tops.

Three days later, the sun is still mysteriously shining on Yixing with no indication of stopping. He enjoys a rare period of popularity when the rest of the group discovers that his sunlight is like some kind of a magic real-life Photoshop filter that gives everyone inside it clear, milky white skin and perfectly arranged hair. The fist-fights to get the spot closest to Yixing escalate quickly. Stepping in, management puts Yixing on a temporary break from all activities and limits him to the dorms and the practice rooms until further notice. His personal ray of sun was getting hard to explain to the general public, anyway.

Baekhyun has refused to speak to Yixing since the sunlight situation started. He'd stomped off in a snit, saying that light was his superpower and Yixing was a jerk for trying to elbow in. The last time Yixing had seen him, Baekhyun had been rubbing Neosporin onto a cut on Kyungsoo's finger and saying, "Yeah, how do you like it, Yixing?? It doesn't feel very good when someone steals your special job, does it?!"

Yixing wishes more than anything that the sunbeam was Baekhyun's problem instead. Baekhyun would probably enjoy having his own personal spotlight all the time, but for Yixing it is just troublesome. He wants to be able to go outside again, if only to avoid Tao. He's been constantly following Yixing and using his sunbeam to take flattering pictures of himself.

"This natural sunlight is amazing for selfies!" he exclaims, squishing himself up to Yixing on the couch and snapping several pictures with his phone. Yixing sighs, trying to duck out of the frame. It ends quicker if he doesn't fight it. He just wants to take a nap, but he can't even do that without the freaky BWCW sleep-mask someone scrounged up for him to block out the sunlight.

A shoe flies across the room and hits Tao in the face, ruining his picture. "Get out of here, asshole!" Sehun shouts, threatening Tao with the other half of the pair, "Yixing isn't a prop for your stupid Weibo display pic!"

Lip curling hotly in anger, Tao storms out, probably to go write about the incident in his diary. For the hundredth time, Yixing wishes that Baekhyun wasn't still mad at him. They used to read highlights from Tao's diary out loud together. He sighs wistfully. Baekhyun does the best impressions of Tao's girlish indignation.

Sehun flops down in the spot vacated by Tao and wiggles halfway across Yixing's lap. Yixing would rather be alone to mope, but Sehun is comfortable against him and it's not bad to take some solace in his quiet company. Even if he keeps staring at Yixing when he thinks he's not looking, Sehun is the only person who has managed to be halfway decent to him since the sun started shining out of his ass. He leans his head against Sehun's bony shoulder, tucking his face into the shadows of his neck. Maybe he'll take get to take his nap after all.

Trying not to disturb Yixing as he shifts into sleep, Sehun holds absolutely still. When everyone else goes out for snacks, he remains perfectly fixed in place, like Yixing's personal gargoyle, stomach growling and watching drool collect cutely on the corner of Yixing's open mouth. Before long, Sehun falls asleep, too, warm and cozy in Yixing's sunbeam.

Yixing wakes up from his nap and discovers two things. The first is that despite his skinny limbs and surly attitude, Sehun is surprisingly good at cuddling. The second is that while he slept, his hair mysteriously grew several inches and now flows luxuriously down his neck and shines in every color of the rainbow. Hoping it is one of Chanyeol's dumb pranks, he tugs the hair experimentally. The pain in his scalp confirms the hair is genuinely his. Not knowing the proper response to magical hair growth, Yixing screams. Sehun wakes up and falls off the couch with a heavy thud.

Everyone comes to see what all the trouble is. Sehun approaches Yixing calmly, holding out his hand in a friendly manner. He strokes the back of Yixing's neck, feeding him a few apples, until he relaxes enough to tell them about his hair.

"This is so like Yixing," Baekhyun says spitefully, "First he copied my super power, now it's Sehun's rainbow hair. What are you going to steal next, Yixing, Junmyeon’s credit card? At least then you could buy yourself some originality!" He slams his bedroom door behind him.

"Cut if off, man. You gotta cut it all off," Yixing moans pathetically, tugging at the chromatic strands.

"Ok, no problem," Kyungsoo says, going to retrieve a pair of scissors from the kitchen. He pulls a chunk of Yixing's hair against the scissors and snips. No matter how much force he uses, the hair refuses to cut. Minseok gives him a sidelong glance.

"Move aside," he says, pulling the scissors from Kyungsoo's hands, "Let a real man give it a try."

Minseok flexes his biceps while attempting to cut Yixing's kaleidoscopic mane, but even his muscles are not enough: the hair holds tight. Sehun rolls his eyes. Yixing looks like he might start crying any minute.

"Perhaps you need a bigger pair of scissors," Jongdae suggests, pulling out a wicked sharp pair of Edward Scissorhands-sized shears from behind his back. No one wants to know why he has them. They really, really don't. It doesn't matter anyway, because even they are not powerful enough to cut through Yixing's multi-colored locks.

"I think you're just going to have to leave it as it is," Luhan says. He arranges Yixing's hair into a messy ponytail. "On the plus size, you're pretty much comeback-ready. As long as we have a psychedelic rainbow-y concept. Now quit horsing around and go to bed."

He tugs Yixing's ponytail and laughs. It's not funny.

When the day of their next dance practice rolls around, Yixing is thrilled to leave the dorms. Dormancy has never sat well with him, even less now that his hair has become the favorite plaything of Luhan and Kris. Both of them excitedly use Yixing's hair to try out styles they find on Pinterest. Kris's attempt at a waterfall braid is a painful memory. Yixing can't wait to finally do something besides look in the mirror and try to remember a time when life was happy. Sehun can't wait to see if Yixing is wearing a tank top under his hoodie.

Yixing takes out his frustrations in the practice room, dancing harder, crouching lower, thrusting his hips with more force than ever before. Each movement is a release of all the tension and stress he's been holding onto. Unfortunately, his stresses aren't the only thing being released. Each roll and shake of his body rains a cloud of glitter onto the practice room floor. The more intensely he dances, the more glitter covers the floor. It becomes fairly obvious that the glitter is coming from Yixing's hair. Everyone tries very hard to ignore the accumulating glitter, but it's only a matter of time before someone slips in it.

Sehun goes down hard. Chanyeol releases the breath he was holding. Luhan prods Sehun's swelling ankle roughly.

"Are ankles supposed to be puffy? I don't think they're supposed to be puffy."

"Or purple," Minseok adds, "Pretty sure they aren't supposed to be purple either."

Tao leans in to get a picture of Sehun's mangled ankle. It's for a special section in his diary called "Sehun Gets What's He Deserves". Not willing to risk another injury, Junmyeon calls a halt to dance practice. "I am declaring this room too sparkly to continue. Someone carry Sehun's fat ass to the doctor."

When no one volunteers, Jongin sighs and goes to retrieve Sehun. The harder Jongin struggles to gather Sehun up off the floor, the more guilt Yixing feels. He put his band members at risk and let Sehun get injured, just so he could keep dancing. He's a monster. A glittery, rainbow-haired monster. He hangs his head in shame, wishing he could be a better person.

"I think Jongdae shoved me!" Sehun claims, trying to stop Jongin from hefting him towards the door, "He's jealous that I dance better than him. He tried to Black Swan me!"

He desperately grabs Yixing's shoulder as Jongin hauls him past. "It wasn't your fault, ok? It was definitely Jongdae, you know what an asshole he is."

Yixing watches as Jongin drags Sehun away, still claiming Yixing's innocence. Jongdae smirks.

Kris generously donates his art supplies for the evening so they can all make get well cards for Sehun while he sits on the couch with his sprained ankle propped up. Many of the members opt out of making the cards because "they don't care" and "he had it coming", but the rest sit around the table, surrounded by crayons and construction paper.

Kris is the first done with his card. He proudly hands Sehun his drawing and explains that it is a porcupine eating an ice cream cone, because Sehun has always liked ice cream. Sehun looks at the mass of messily drawn intersecting lines next to a triangle topped with two circles and crumples it up. Visibly upset, Kris runs from the room, whimpering that the porcupine doesn't always have to be quite so prickly.

"Next!" Sehun commands.

Minseok managed a very normal get well card. Sehun sets it in The Good Pile. Jongin’s cartoonish drawing of Sehun riding a sweet dirt bike, while not technically a get well card, also gets put in The Good Pile. With a manic gleam in his eye, Jongdae presents Sehun with a very detailed drawing of a small black bird taking down a large white bird. The red crayon text at the bottom reads: I did it and I'm not sorry. Deeply disturbed, Sehun puts Jongdae’s drawing in The Bad Pile.

"Next!" Sehun calls.

Yixing's four page letter begins with Get Well Soon, but quickly descends into describing the depths of Yixing's sorrow and the listing of all his inadequacies as a human being. Yixing mopes his way back to the table, sitting next to Luhan and staring off into space. Sehun quietly tucks Yixing's letter under the couch cushion.

"Almost done," says Luhan, laying down one last line of glue on his piece of construction paper. He grabs the back of Yixing's head and shoves him over the paper, shaking roughly until Yixing's hair releases a cloud of glitter.

"Touch a real life unicorn: only $5!" the paper now states in glittery letters. He tapes the paper to Yixing's sweater, where it shines brightly in Yixing's patch of sunlight. Yixing stares at the paper, as if collecting his thoughts or centering himself like a yoga master or Ghandi.

"I'm going to kill you!" Yixing screeches at Luhan, raining punches onto his sides. Trying to defend himself, Luhan plants his hand firmly in the center of Yixing's head and pushes, hard. He shrieks in pain when something in the middle of Yixing's forehead pricks his palm.

"What is that?" Luhan gasps, clutching his bleeding hand. Yixing's hands scramble across his forehead, finding a razor sharp bony protrusion. The nub of bone appears to have popped out as a defense mechanism to fight off Luhan. Sehun eyes Yixing's forehead with interest. It's kind of awesome. He wishes his body would sprout nunchucks whenever Baekhyun tries to manhandle him in the shower.

"I think I'm growing a horn," Yixing sighs, "This must be my punishment for selfishly allowing Sehun to get injured." He sinks lower into himself, a huddled shell of sadness. Even his sunbeam seems to change color to reflect his dismal mood, veiling Yixing in a moody purple hue.

"It's going to be equine-I mean fine! It's going to be fine!" Luhan assures him. The horrified look on Luhan's face says otherwise. Tao snaps a picture of it.

"I'll go get Kris back," Luhan continues, "He'll know what to do."

Kris manages to coax Yixing into his room with a few sugar cubes and a soft scratch behind his ear. Yixing sits miserably on the edge of Kris's bed, munching on his sugar cubes while Kris digs around in his closet. He emerges a few minutes later from under a pile of leather pants and Saint Laurent t-shirts.

"I knew I still had some of these around," Kris says, brandishing a stack of bandanas, "Thank goodness for the Wolf promotions." He ties a bright yellow bandana across Yixing's forehead, Bret Michaels style, hiding the small lump of horn behind it. Yixing's long, flowing hair further enhances the 80's glam metal look. Kris tightens the knot a bit more and adjusts the bandana over Yixing's eyebrows before he nods, satisfied, and hands Yixing the rest of the neatly folded stack.

"Ok, I think I managed to hide that horn situation pretty well. And you look a lot cooler than before. Really cool." He eyes the stack of bandanas. "Actually, maybe I better keep these. You only need the one, right?"

Kris hurriedly snatches the bandanas back from Yixing's hands. He ties one around his head, too.

"Damn, this is a sweet look," Kris says, assessing himself in the mirror. He starts to hum a few bars from Every Rose Has Its Thorn, arranging his hair carefully under the bandana and posing. Yixing lets himself out.

With no better options, Yixing returns to the living room, inspecting himself in a mirror on the wall. He adjusts the bandana higher and lower, but there isn't a position that doesn't look really, really dumb. He sighs, feeling worse than ever. Growing a fucking horn?? This is so wrong. He's never, ever introducing himself as EXO's healing unicorn again.

Sehun picks himself carefully off the couch and hobbles over to Yixing. Yixing ducks his head in shame.

"Here," Sehun says, pulling off Kris's lame bandana, "Let me help you."

He runs his fingers through Yixing's soft hair, pulling it forward until his fringe covers the small nub of horn. Sehun takes off his snapback and strategically places it on Yixing's head, holding the hair in place over the spike of bone. Yixing goes to lift the hat off his head quickly.

"The glitter..." he sighs, trying to give Sehun his hat back before it gets ruined. Sehun's hand rests over his, pushing the hat back onto his head firmly.

"It's ok, hyung, you can keep it. You look good in it."

Yixing looks back into the mirror, seeing himself again. Albeit, a very well-lit, sparkly version of himself. He feels almost normal. For the first time since the universe decided to shit all over him, Yixing feels like smiling.

"Thanks, Sehun," he says, holding Sehun's hand and smiling adoringly.

Sehun tries not to pass out or start twitching or something. It's been so long since he saw Yixing smiling. Flowers start blooming and birds are chirping out of nowhere. It's beautiful. Or it would be, if Sehun ever thought about Yixing in a romantic way. Which he doesn't. Really. Even if he looks totally cute in Sehun's snapback.

Deciding to just give up and sleep away his feelings, Sehun starts limping towards his bedroom. Yixing pushes himself under Sehun's arm, supporting him down the hallway and helping him settle into bed. Yixing has always been a good hyung. He props a few pillows under Sehun's ankle.

"Should I get you some ice?" Yixing asks, pulling up the leg of Sehun's pants and carefully touching his swollen ankle. The moment Yixing's fingers touch Sehun's skin, he feels instant relief. The bruising and swelling in his ankle fade and then leave entirely. Sehun feels no pain anymore, just a cool tingling sensation and the warm pads of Yixing's small fingers. They both stare at his now perfectly normal looking ankle in shock.

Sehun tries to speak. "Uh... did you just magically heal me?"

"Maybe?" Yixing responds.

Sehun tests his ankle, rotating it in circles and spelling out his name in the air with his toes. "I definitely feel healed."

Jongdae drags himself out from under Sehun's bed, giant scissors in hand. "I'm telling our manager!!"

Due to the shaky medical science behind what is being called a Miracle Unicorn Healing, Sehun is still restricted to bedrest. He protests this decision to anyone who will listen (just Jongin and Tao), but in the end he can't do much about it.

Much to his embarrassment, Yixing's magnificent unicorn horn grows to a full twelve inches. Despite Kris's best efforts, it can no longer be contained by bandanas, snapbacks or even a pineapple skewered onto the end.

"How is a pineapple stuck to my head any better than a unicorn horn? Get your head out of your ass, Kris!" Yixing snaps at him. The pineapple juice stings his eyes.

"Don't take your frustration out on me!" Kris yells back, "It's not my fault you're so tense all the time! You need to get laid, bro."

"I guess you could say he's feeling a bit.... horny!" Luhan guffaws, falling over himself.

Yixing glares at him, "You're making that ugly laughing face again. I'm going to take pictures. I'm going to show everyone."

Gently placing his arm around Yixing's shoulders (and carefully avoiding his angry looking horn), Tao leads him to his laptop.

"Welcome to Tumblr," he says to Yixing, loading up a series of embarrassing photos of Luhan, "You can be an admin on my blog."

Yixing stares at the photos in awe. He scrolls and scrolls, but there is no end to pictures of Luhan sneezing, laughing, picking his nose and ugly-crying. "This is beautiful. Teach me your ways."

Tao's blog becomes very, very popular.

A few more days pass without incident, but nothing is ever peaceful for long in the exo dorms. Someone leaves a copy of Kafka's The Metamorphosis in Yixing's bed and Sehun vows revenge. It's not funny when Yixing starts rolling on the floor, wailing that he's a burden to everyone just by existing. Sehun is ill-prepared to deal with existential despair. He covers Yixing with a soft blanket and tries to find out who put the book in Yixing's bed.

It feels like something Luhan would have done, if Luhan had a reading comprehension level higher than the Harry Potter novels. What did he even study in college, lip gloss and stage fright? No, German absurdist fiction is definitely beyond Luhan. This has the spiteful bitchiness of Baekhyun written all over it. Last Sehun had heard, he was still angry at Yixing for "totally horning in on his light powers".

Sehun steals all of Baekhyun's expensive eyeliner and replaces it with drugstore brand, sure to smudge off and fade away only minutes after application. He'll regret fucking with Yixing. Just in case, he punches Jongdae in the face as hard as he can.

"Yes," Jongdae hisses, as Sehun's fist digs into his cheek, "Give in to your dark side."

Yixing gets petulant watching the rest of the EXO members leaving for a schedule while he's stuck in the dorms with Sehun.

"Take me with you," Yixing whines, clinging onto Junmyeon’s arm, "You can't be out two members of the dancer line. Everyone is going to notice Kris and Chanyeol flailing around awkwardly in the back."

Jongdae presses forward, a wide smile on his face, "Don't worry, I've been preparing for a move to the dancer line. Just in case something "accidentally" happened to Sehun. The time has come for the Chensing Machine to shine!!"

Junmyeon sighs, "Actually, I think we're just gonna put two mirrors with hats on top next to Jongin. It's worked before."

Jongdae looks murderous. He immediately begins plotting an elaborate revenge on Junmyeon. Luhan applies more lip gloss and tries to think how to slip the phrase "Horn to be wild" into the conversation before they leave.

"What am I supposed to do all day long?" Yixing complains.

"Well, Sehun isn't supposed to shower alone in case he slips and upsets his ankle injury, and he smells like gym socks and Axe body spray, so maybe you can help him take a shower. And honestly, it'll do you good to wash off a layer of glitter, too. Your entire body looks like stripper tits."

Yixing drops Junmyeon’s arm. "You're dead to me."

Sehun waits until everyone leaves before heading for the bathroom, feeling strangely nervous. He's showered with Baekhyun hundreds of times, so showering with Yixing should be the same. Except he's never had a (totally non-romantic!) fantasy about eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches off of Baekhyun's collarbones that resulted in the strangest and most persistent boner of Sehun's life. Sehun has a lot of feelings about Yixing's collarbones. It's those damn tank tops, he swears.

Yixing is already in the bathroom, staring morosely at his reflection in the mirror.

"Let's get this over with," Yixing says.

Sehun lets the water run while Yixing starts stripping off his clothes. Sehun turns away, not wanting to let things get weird. Even though two adult males showering together is already kind of weird. Hearing Yixing stepping under the spray, Sehun's mouth goes dry. He takes off his own clothes, throwing them in a pile on the floor and steps into the shower, determinedly not looking at a soaking wet Yixing. No matter how much he may or may not want to see droplets of water dripping down Yixing's pale neck and onto his glorious collarbones, Sehun is totally not gonna sneak a peek.

He tries desperately to think of an excuse for peeking. Like what if Yixing is murdered one day, like really horribly and has to be identified by just his body? Someone is going to have to know all the intimate details of Yixing's body: something this important can't be left to an idiot like Luhan. This sounds like a pretty legit reason to check out Yixing. Sehun opens his eyes.

Yixing's junk is glowing iridescently.

"Um, did it always look like that?" Sehun asks, gesturing at Yixing's business. He can't stop staring, even though he knows it's totally not ok to stare at another dude's package, even if it is sparkly and emitting soft, warm light and kind of looks like it tastes like strawberries.

"No, it didn't always look like that! I had a very normal dick!" Yixing claims, trying to cover his bits with a shampoo bottle. The label says Mane 'n Tail and he drops it with a yelp.

"I heard they don't circumcise in China, so I thought maybe they just all look like that. But, um, it's ok, it looks good. I mean ok," Sehun wants to die as more words fall out of his mouth, "It looks fine. Not fine, like you're so fine, I mean it looks normal. Not that you're not so fine." Sehun tries desperately to stop his word vomit before he writes a fourteen page essay on the Hotness of Yixing and His Magical Glow Stick. He's starting to think that maybe he does have a thing for Yixing. "Let's just soap up."

He reaches out and starts rubbing Yixing's chest before realizing he is not holding soap. And he's kind of touching Yixing's nipple. And maybe this is something else dudes aren't supposed to do in the shower together? Spending his formative years in an all male pop group has given him a twisted view of normalcy.

"Um, as nice as this random chest massage is, do you think you could help me wash my hair? If I move too much, more glitter comes out. Kind of defeats the purpose."

"Sure," Sehun says, letting go of Yixing's nipple and grabbing the fallen bottle of shampoo. Yixing's hand stops him.

"Any shampoo but that one. Please."

Sehun switches to a bottle of Junmyeon’s expensive imported shampoo. He pours an extra large amount in his palm and rubs his hands together, while Yixing faces his back to Sehun. The curve of Yixing's ass is a dangerous distraction. Carefully, he lathers Yixing's hair, trying not to let any suds run down his face or into his ears. Figuring it can't hurt, Sehun begins rubbing Yixing's scalp lightly, trailing his fingers through the shampoo bubbles. Yixing moans and Sehun's hands come to a halt.

"Sorry," Yixing apologizes, embarrassed and trying to step away from Sehun. Sehun holds him in place, continuing the scalp massage. He breathes out through his nose slowly, wondering if maybe he made a mistake, but then Yixing is moaning again. He lets out a breath in relief, concentrating more on the scalp massage, pressing his thumbs carefully along the back of Yixing's head and down on the top of his neck.

Yixing groans into the spray of the water, "Fuck, Sehun, it feels really good."

And there goes any hope Sehun had for a nice friendly shower between bros because hearing Yixing groaning his name has left him sporting a very awkward erection. Sehun has to get out of there. If he stays any longer, Yixing is totally going to notice his hard-on and think Sehun is gross and then he'll tell Tao and that gossipy bitch will tell everyone and then Sehun will become an outcast among the group and will never lose his virginity and he'll have to cover his shame by telling everyone it's because he's waiting until he gets married. Damnit. This is not the sexy future he wanted.

He shoves Yixing's head under the spray of water, trying to escape the shower while Yixing is distracted and choking on water. Yixing splutters and turns around, spotting Sehun's hard dick. Sehun freezes, halfway out of the shower. Yixing eyes him, letting the rest of the shampoo suds rinse from his hair.

Yixing has been having a really bad week. He's four hooves and a tail away from becoming an honest-to-god unicorn with a rainbow mane and a trail of glitter following him. His friends have abandoned him, he can't dance, can't leave the dorms and only Sehun has been treating him like he's still a human being and not a walking joke. So he really can't be blamed when he sees Sehun's erection and thinks OK, let's do this. A screaming orgasm sounds like the cure to what ails him.

He shuts off the water, grabbing Sehun and pulling him out of the bathroom and to his bedroom. Sehun trails behind Yixing obediently. He'll follow Yixing anywhere as long as he keeps looking at his cock like he's going to touch it. Sehun wants so bad for someone to touch his dick and that fact that it's Yixing (who let's face it, he has a huge crush on) makes it even better.

Yixing lays down on the bed, tugging Sehun's naked body down on top of him. His ray of sunlight dims, lighting the room erotically. The soft sounds of Let Out the Beast filter in romantically through an open window. Everything is perfect.

Not sure how to kiss without stabbing out Sehun's eye with the horn, Yixing eschews foreplay and gets right into it, grabbing Sehun's ass and using it as leverage to messily grind their erections together. Finally able to enjoy the view of Yixing's collarbones guilt-free, Sehun kisses them reverently, tongueing their dips and hollows. He presses his hips against Yixing's trying to get more friction. Yixing thumbs the edge of Sehun's hole and Sehun gasps, pushing back against him.

"Wait," Sehun says, sitting up, "Let's get on Luhan's bed."

Sehun's eyes are lust-blown, his chest pale and pink as he struggles to breathe normally. He looks beautiful and he wants to despoil Luhan's precious bed. Yixing gazes at him with awe. "I think I love you."

They rearrange themselves on Luhan's bed, Yixing propped up against the headboard and Sehun sitting in his lap. It's easier to kiss at this angle, so he bites and sucks on Sehun's lips, angling his horn towards the side as his cock rubs against Sehun's ass. A bottle of lube rolls out from underneath Luhan's pillow. Yixing tries not to think about it too much as he lubes himself up and wipes his greasy hand on Luhan's sheets.

Sehun balances carefully on his knees, slowly lowering himself onto Yixing's cock. He plants one hand on Yixing's shoulder and the other on the headboard, gripping tight as he adjusts to Yixing's size. Yixing tweaks one of Sehun's rosy nipples, his other hand grasping onto Sehun's hip to help guide him slowly up and down. Sehun relaxes more, loosening up and Yixing begins thrusting. He could spend forever with Sehun above him, clenching down and moaning. One particularly hard thrust knocks Sehun off-balance. He reaches out a hand to steady himself, accidentally grasping Yixing's unicorn horn.

"Oh fuck," Yixing gasps, thrusting harder into Sehun's tight hole, "Do it again!"

Sehun works the horn, twisting his hand around it tighter and pulling up and down the glistening length. Yixing groans, sweat beading on his upper lip as he pounds into Sehun's body. He slides his hands to Sehun's ass, kneading the soft flesh and using it to help lift Sehun up and down his cock. Sehun's thighs burn in effort. His head falls back as he bounces on Yixing's cock. Nothing has ever felt this good before. He grabs his own erection, pulling it off in time with Yixing's thrusts.

Yixing comes first, howling and driving into Sehun harshly. He collapses back against the headboard while Sehun strains against him. He pushes Sehun's hand away, grasping his cock tightly and pulling him off fast and rough. Every inch of Sehun's skin feels like it's on fire as his thighs tense up.

"Try to aim for Luhan's pillow," Yixing whispers against his neck. Sehun comes hard. White light flows from Yixing's unicorn horn, temporarily blinding them. When their vision returns, Yixing looks normal again, no traces of his unicornification anywhere. He eyes the sticky mess on Luhan's pillow with admiration. Sehun's got great aim, no doubt from years and years of masturbation.

"What a good boy," Yixing coos at him, kissing him lightly on the nose.

"But... your hair, your horn... the light? What happened??" Sehun asks, sliding off Yixing.

"I don't care how it went away, just glad it's all gone," Yixing says, rising up and tugging Sehun down onto his clean bed. "Let's take another nap."

Sehun decides he's right. Who cares if his first sexual experience was some sort of a deus ex (sex?) machina that magically cured Yixing of all his freaky problems? As long as Yixing is normal and happy again, it's fine by him.

"Was I being punished?" Yixing asks quietly, threading his hand into Sehun's, "Do you think that's why I was turning into a unicorn?"

Sehun rolls his eyes. "Are you kidding me? You're like the best person I know. If anyone is going to receive divine punishment, it's Jongdae. Unicorns are good and kind and sweet, just like you, so it's no wonder you turned into one."

"Plus totally into virgins."

Sehun blanches and Yixing laughs. He briefly wonders if maybe his attraction to Yixing was part of the unicorn magic, but thinking of Yixing's collarbones, his thighs and his smile makes Sehun feel hot all over again. No, being attracted to Yixing is definitely just a Sehun-thing, not a unicorn-thing. He curls against Yixing happily and lets himself fall asleep.

Luhan bursts in some time later, waking them both up. He looks between them shrewdly, noticing Yixing's normal appearance and how Sehun is tucked naked against him.

"You know," he says annoyingly, "They say that the purity of a virgin sacrifice can soothe the savage heart of a unicorn." He leans in and whispers in Sehun's ear, "Did you ride that wild pony all the way to o-town?"

Sehun buries his head under the blankets. No way is he telling Luhan that's exactly what happened.

Luhan tries for Yixing instead, "Did you pull down Sehun's pants and punch his v-card?"

Yixing smirks at him, "Why don't you look at your bed and find out?"

Luhan turns deathly pale. He screams when he sees the mess of jizz, lube and sweat-stains left on his bed. He can't stop screaming. Yixing whips out his phone and takes several pictures of his face. He cuddles against Sehun and starts uploading the pics to Tao's blog while Sehun suggests how to best crop them to show Luhan's bad side. For the first time in a long time, everything is exactly how it should be. Life is magical.

fic, sexing

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