Mar 03, 2007 15:19
Well it might seem odd but my mother told me not to come back home from China or from Germany if she dies. I got depressed when she told me because I did not know how to see the world with her not it in but now I can. So I told her to tell Mable and Billy and the rest of the family what she told me because I would die if the rest of the famliy saw me as indignant for not showing up to her funeral. If she dies I hope she holds true to her promise to me that she will look out over me as an angel.
I got an e-mail from Jacob and he has plans to come to Germany to see me while I am there for six months. It is nice to get word from him, he is a really nice guy and I do hope to meet up with him while I am over there.
I believe in a Zollvorein, politically. I am steadfast in my believefs towards Metternick’s Realpolitick that Bismarck also held fast to. Otto Von Bismarck was niether a liberal nor a consrvative but he was a centralist that I think Hitler wanted to emulate. Bismarck would play to any side that would fufill his goals and as a pragmatist he would play anyone for the betterment of Germany. I too am that but for the goals and betterment of America, AKA Libertarian. Hilter himself was a centralist who played to both the left and the right in the Weimar Republik for the good of Germany as he saw it and to the detriment of those who never took him seriously.
I am gonna go on a self-rituous rant here based upon my own tastes and selfish pleasures. Nothing is more selfish that drinking alcohol, it is simply a personal pleasure for the drinker and legally places that drinker in legal parel and requires much responsibility. I love good beer. No surprise to anyone who knows just a little about me. I’ve been drinking good beer since I was 15 years of age and I have never got into trouble for doing such because I was a responsible drinker when I was 15, before I started driving. Right now I am in the college town of Jonesboro that just so happens to rest in the dry county of Craighead. There are liquor stores on every road leading out of the county on the county lines and the Auswahl (the selection) is only mediocre at ONE out of eight stores. It is mediocre because I can only find some German and some Belgian beers, but thank god they have that. Ben Franklin said that beer is proof god loves all men, to which I feel totally loved but only when I can get good beer. I do not do Bud light, MGD or Natural Light. Fuck that shit. Fuck it all right now. I want OtterCreek Beer from Vermont, Aventinus and Lowenbrau from Germany, Krussovice from Czech, Un-Earthly from Massachusets and Kwak from Belgium. Is that too fucking hard to stock!? Also, I don’t normally make a point of this but I can buy weed, cocaine, Heroine, Opoids, LSD, MDMA (Extascy), Salvia and Shrooms BUT I cannot purchase these deliscious beers in this area nor can I order them from another state, country or online because Arkansas has laws preventing them fro being shipped to me. Now I might be wrong, hell I’ve been wrong before, but I was under the starkest impression that Prohibition was over in 1933 which was 80 glorious years ago. How ironic is it that I can purchase illegal drugs, tax free mind you, and not be able to legally purchase a drug and have it sent to me? Fuck all those illegal drugs, I’m not gonna be buying or using them but the point I am making is that I cannot get the legal drug I want when illegal drugs are ubiqutious. End of rant.
I miss TV. But I only miss Jay Leno, Conan O’Brian, Comedy Central, PBS and the History Channel. Everything else is shit, MTV is shit, BET is black colored shit, CNN is biased shit that won’t flush and the rest is like the Hershey Squirts that burn.
I am a firm believer in Realpolitik, the politics of reality, which boils dow to a lack of principles or side that chooses no poltical sides but uses both of them to achieve a certain outcome that is best for the country and its relation with other countries. Realpolitik sees wars as the last measure, uses them quickly and effectivly and then is quick to make peace afterwards. Bimarck and Metternick both proved this method and Henry Kissinger in the Cold War (with his book “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy”) demonstrated effective use of Realpolitik. Fuck these long and drawn out wars, just go in and hit ‘em hard then reach a quick peace and pull out. Veitnam wouldn’t have ended up so bad if Realpolitik was used from the get go but alas Kissinger was not there when JRK and LBJ were starting the war. I think it is somewhat interesting the Kissinger was brought into the latter part of Vietnam like he is now being brought into the Iraq war.
Might sound odd but on wensday I thought that I had a hangnail for the first time in my life. Yes, I have never had a hangnail in my life since then and on Thursday I found out that it was not a hangnail, it was an ingrown fingernail that I apparently cut too close to the corner of my right ring finger. So… I thought that I had my first hangnail in my life but no, it is an “in grown” nail on my right ring finger according to Katura. So I guess that I have never got a hangnail in my life. Is that odd?
Last week Ben came in from Germany and due to his jetlag he can stay up until 3 am while I am sleeply goofy. We had some good fun, talked quite a bit over politics, history, wars, cars, engines, music and guns. Interestingly enough he is the first German person I know that knows German history, political history and history in general. LoL, speaking of which, if you ever want to make Germans uncomfortable talk about their german history when they know nothing about it. For some reason that makes them get antzy and nervous…and I am not quite sure why.
I am getting used to Vista Home Premium 2007 and Office 2007. I am still annoyed beyond all end that my Nero Program is now fucked up, careful what you wish for! I wanted to make copies of DVDs and now I can’t fucking burn CDs since Nero is all fucked up. *sigh* god damnit. I am getting back into games on my computer, namely Chess, James Bond and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2. I am beginning to enjoy the graphics associated with Vista and the graphics card on my computer. Playing movies on my 17 inch LCD screen is just awesome and I still cannot get over the fact that my computer has four speakers and a subwoofer built into it! I am still annoyed with Windows Media Player and that it “skips” on digital media when it comes to the end of it.
Damn, I am now at 1,220 words and three pages of text. Normally I do not journal in Word but in Wordpad because I just liked it better than Word 2003. Now with Vista’s version of Wordpad I find its best to stick with Word 2007.
Welp, before I fall into another page I am going to end this and go grocery shopping.
"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." -Robert Pirsig