Play list for the week... and I dont think it will last any longer than that week.

Dec 22, 2008 13:58

What I’ve been feeling like lately.

I usually like my weird music. . . lately I have been listening to POP! Lol

Here’s my Play list for today 69 (the 69 is Kat's doing)

1. JT - Cry Me a River
2. JT- What goes around
3. JT- My love
4. TI feat. JT - Dead and Gone
5. Rihanna - Rehab
6. TuPac - Dear Mama
7. Brittney Spears - Every time
8. Paramour - Decode
9. Paramour - that’s what you get
10. Paramour - misery business
11. Taylor Swift - Love story
12. Jason Mraz - I’m Yours
13. Kanye West - love lockdown
14. Kanye West - Heartless
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