Aug 18, 2008 05:02
well last week has been crazy. On Monday I went for a CAT scan, and got results back on Wed. Celebrate that I don't have a tumor. That night I went to bed with my worse headache since I was diagnosed with swelled optic nerves. Not kidding, I wanted to puke that's how bad my head hurt.
Next day I went through my second round of testing by getting a lumbar puncture so they could get samples of my spinal fluid to test. I was not aware that I would have to go put on hospital clothes, have surgery, and stay in recovery room for 2.5 hrs. Then I was told I would most likely have more headaches for about the weekend, only these would be spinal caused ones, and the only way to make them go away was to lay down. That's all well and good for weekend rest except that I work at Wendy's during the summer as a closer, and there is no such thing as a weekend except we are not as busy during the day. I ended up calling off on Friday (the new head manager is a moron and didn't tell the closing one this causing much drama I was told, but not blamed for) but went in for the last two days with head and back pain.
Also found out that whoever was doing the schedule decided that since it was my last week, I should work four 8hr and one 5hr shifts. Only they are all in a row, and they never seem to remember that, "Hey, we work the week before too!" and now I get to work 7 days in a row (which would have been 8 if I hadn't called off on Friday). And they know I am having health issues that I need to sort out before I go to school 2 hrs away from the hospital I am being treated at. Fucking Morons.
I'm going to call the neurologist later if I can find the number and see if they found anything yet and make my follow up appointment. Maybe I should see if they can transfer me to the Wood County Hospital, where I could walk to or get BGSU's ride program to take me.
I have also been watching Olympics. Go USA, and yay for the swimmer Michal Phelps!