May 22, 2005 11:08
Not very much interesting to say. I saw Star Wars Episode III a few days ago. I loved it. I really, really did. I'm rewatching Episodes IV, V, and VI currently and plan on getting my hands on I and II, then going back and seeing III again. I think I'm forming an order of favorites. I always like to have a list of favorites, no matter how often it changes. I've been trying to do it with HP for years, but no luck yet (whichever book I'm reading is usually my favorite. In retrospect, I think it's between OotP and PoA. But then I love GoF for all of the things we learn, the excitement, and the emotion. Then, I always underestimate how great and humorous CoS and SS/PS are...See). Anyway, I'm thinking that Star Wars should be easier. Right now, Revenge of the Sith ranks second or third. Empire is still my absolute favorite, and I love Return of the Jedi. Sith was awesome though, and I've already argued away any complaints I had. I can't wait to see it again.
I have been slacking on other things though. I'm a bit behind on my HP reading schedule. Which is weird because I was getting ahead, but I made myself do other things so as not to finish too soon. Now I'm behind. Although it's hardly a problem because I'm likely to finish CoS today anyway, and if I don't I will on one of the many days I'm not doing anything this week.
I'm also slacking on my story, which is a problem. Must motivate myself. I have ideas but I'm at one particular part where I have no clue how to make it work. I'll just have to skip over it and come back.
I also got the job at the library for 10 hours a week (=2 days). Which is nice. Now I just have to find out how much I'm expected to babysit. I'd like to only do it twice a week, then I can have Fridays off. I think I am going to drop one summer course because I desperately need time to do nothing. I hate rushing around doing work and school. I haven't had a proper summer vacation in nearly three years. I guess I had better get used to it. I think it would be easier if my spring break was more relaxing, but it wasn't.