Sep 07, 2004 19:23
tilden woods is officailly closed...this is SO depressing and what is this everyone leaving rmsc! matt jp?? what what haha its gonna be really weird...tomorrow my first SO excited to see kurtis!!! ahh hahhaha dude september 11th is gonna be SO FREAKING AMAZING! AHC MIXER WITH YANN! HAHAHAH I CANT WAIT L3+1 YOU GUYS ROCK MY WORLD ok this next month is gonna be crazy...mondays i go to xc until 3 then go to swim practice till like 630ish then i get to do my homework and tuesday theres usually a meet...and wednesday is same as monday thursday im not going swimming just xc then friday i get to wake up at 415 am to go swimming BEFORE school then go to school go running come home and do homework and saturday hopefully i have off and sunday i get to wake up early again to go swimming....gosh im tired thinking about it...ok i have to actually go do my homewoek cause its 1030 and i haven't really started im taking your advice jerry don't do hw till 11 hahaha