i think i made a friend! one that i really like. today, i was getting on the bus and there was an empty seat by a girl in a blue sweatshirt who smiled at me. what? a smile? from someone i don't know? jättekonstigt! men... i sat there, and she asked me if i lived with linnea. yes, indeed, i do live with linnea. turns out she's a good friend of the sister of one of linnea's best friends. i'm just happy about this because i like meeting interesting people. particularly interesting people who don't make me feel as if they are judging me and don't make me feel like i should get up earlier to do my hair and makeup.
my classmates are good, too; i'm no longer being asked EVERY DAY at lunch, "är det gott?" framsteg.
i still don't really do anything at school. so far, my week has been:
måndag: sjuk (sick). home all day. the house smelled like paint. i watched a lot of TV.
tisdag: göteborg med two classmates for a projekt for mediakunskap. this meant we went to SVT (sveriges television) and got to see lots of things that the public don't, and we saw a TV show (doobidoo) recorded.
onsdag: long day at school.
torsdag: short day at school.
i hate thinking and writing in english. uggghh. i wish i could speak better swedish but it's hard right now because i'm still sort of sick and can't think fast and my throat is all icky so talking is a little difficult. particularly swedish. and everyone talks so very very fast. men... snart jag ska säger, bara svenska.
my life
my house