Title: A Chance That Drifts Beneath the Sky
Pairings: Izaya → Shizuo ← Kasuka
Setting/Timeline: Childhood semi AU
kid shizuo / izaya Warnings: A little dark
Deanoning this already, since I’m bored my journal has been a month starving of fanfiction.
And...I don’t know about Izaya’s canon childhood, but whether it’s been discussed in the light novel or not, I went to hell and back with it, sort of.
Doraemon is a famous cartoon-like anime in Japan for children (I used to watch it as a kid while I lived there nearly every day) that’s been on air since the 1970’s. A cultural icon, appointed “anime ambassador” by Japan’s Foreign Ministry, Dorameon’s an equivalent of Mickey Mouse over there, basically.
A little Shizuo stamps across the playground to murder, only to find his hands grasped on each side some time later, in search of a fair some place outside of Tokyo. )