KAT-TUN, Akanishi Jin Official Message - Translation

Mar 15, 2011 23:39


"Terrible things are happening.

After the earthquake, we were mailing to each member, and fortunately we are all safe and not hurt, but we all worry about the safety of our families, loved ones and those who are concerned by this disaster.

There are still worries because of the aftershocks and other things, but let's be prepared well to take calm actions when we have to.

Electricity conservation and etc... even for one second, starting from the things that are close to us, do what can we do now.

There are still people who are suffering. It's not someone else's problem!
There must be things that can be changed by everyone's feelings.

We are all connected! We are becoming one.

And, we are praying from the bottom of our hearts for the safety of the people in the area of the disaster.


Kamenashi Kazuya
Taguchi Junosuke
Tanaka Koki
Ueda Tatsuya
Nakamaru Yuichi

Let's become one."


"Watching the news, I saw terrible things and I was really worried! Are you all right?
I want to become a power for you, even if it is just a little help, I'm doing my best! So everyone in this hard situation, please do your best as well!!
Let's do what we can do right now.
I'm praying for the safety of all of your families and friends, from the bottom of my heart!"

I'm so worried, please everyone, let's pray for Japan!!

earthquake/tsunami, jin official message, translation

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