So...spent most of the weekend out partyin...bout 48 hours of not being completly sober. sure there were a few times when the buzz was gone, but the after-effects were still there. Got the Miada fixed, driving my go-cart again, always a plus but I've got to go get a new antenna for the XM so I can play the songs in the car...stupid Talon...
It was fun partyin this weekend, but I felt REALLY outta place. Again, as seems to be the trend, I'm the lone single guy there. And of course the vodka was out, drinks are being mixed, and we start playing "Asshole". And at about 12 or so it basically broke down to a "lay down a black or red card and get you some" not exactly the greatest of things when your flyin solo, but I wasnt about to kill the mood. Towards the end the booze started to get to me...and depressionville I came. I told myself I wouldn't think about "it" but I couldn't help it. I called her up but she was busy working on something with school, didnt want to keep her from it. and certainly didnt want to talk about what I wanted to talk about when she was, so I asked her to just call me back when she got the call back. I'm not mad about it or anything, just kinda disapointed. I question still if I should ask the questions I want to ask...things just seem so different between us since I left home and came back to the hell-hole.
Jeoun started to notice my mood last night, took me outside, I gave her the short (as short as you could make it) story and I wasnt surprised to hear the "your too good for her anyway, she doesnt deserve you, mrs. right is out there somewhere, etc, etc, etc." Same things I've been hearing from freinds for the past 5 years...odd how some of those friends have become what they give me advise on - one of lifes funny little jokes I suppose.
I know its stupid to constantly dwell on things, I should just realize happened, we both had fun, time to face the facts, move on...sounds easy, but I cant get over the fact that this always happens...what is it I do that I bring this on myself? Is it because I'm to nice? To much of a gentleman? Too much of a nerd? What is it? I try treat them nice, do what I can...I always thought I did enough, but I guess not.
This situation is exactly what I was afraid would have happened. I feared the consequences, I wanted to deal with them when it first started, keep it from getting any worse if it needed to be, but I was a fool and let it pass by me. I should have stoped it after that first kiss...left it at that, now I'm in a hole and all I've got is this plastic spoon...
Anyways...enough venting. I need to go get a shower run to the store so I can come back and catch some sleep. heres a little something on a more happier note.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Robert! - There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Robert and water!
- Robert will become gaseous if his temperature rises above -42°C.
- Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than Robert!
- In 1982 Time Magazine named Robert its 'Man of the Year'!
- Robert is only six percent water.
- The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Robert.
- Robert will often glow under UV light.
- Robert is physically incapable of sticking his tongue out.
- Three seagulls flying overhead are a warning that Robert is near.
- It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Robert.