Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in He Is We, and how long the project has been together.
I’m Rachel. I sing. We have been together a couple years now.
What are you looking forward to the most on the Love Is All Around Tour?
I’m so excited to be touring with our record out! Hearing our fans singing along is so exhilarating! Our fans have done an amazing job of spreading the word and sharing our music with friends, so I’m looking forward to seeing some new faces. Of course we’re really looking forward to hanging out with The Scene Aesthetic dudes and meeting the other bands.
To you, what is the best and worst part about touring and being the road?
Best part is always just hanging out. “Bro-ing down” with everyone on the tour and of course meeting all our fans. That is the ultimate highlight. The hardest part is just staying healthy. Being in a van 18 hours a day with 5 sweaty dudes all time time isn’t necessarily a sanitary environment. Trying to stay healthy is a battle.
Any road horror stories you could share?
We were fortunate enough to play Yellowcard’s comeback show in Pomona in November. I was getting sicker as the tour progressed..and that night was kind of the climax. I made it through the set and then just kind of shut down. Had to go to urgent care and get pumped full of fluids. Oh…and once in Idaho, the rest of the band was almost killed and raped…in that order. No joke.
Please select two songs from My Forever and tell me what inspired the lyrics?
My Forever is about be figuring our what I believe love is. For me, love isn’t a feeling, or a phase. Love is Forever.
Kiss It Better was actually inspired by The Green Mile. Watch it, write a compare and contrast essay and you’ll get extra credit in my book.
What do you think makes the winning combination of you and Trevor work so well together?
We just try to be real. We have never written a song trying to sound like anything. I will get an idea or Trevor will have something, and we just go for it. When we were working on My Forever, we wrote SOOOO many songs. They were just pouring out. Plus, we have the best fans in the world. We wrote some songs and gave them away for a long time. Our fans know they can write us at and we write and reply to as many as humanly possible. Hearing how our songs have inspired or affected them has been huge in our process.
What could one expect from a live He Is We show?
A little hip shaking? 5 kids on stage movin’ and groovin.’
What is your favorite love song of all time and why?
Tough Question!! The first thing that popped in my head for some reason was Whitney Houston “I Have Nothing.” Such a powerful vocal performance and great lyrics.
Do you have any messages for your fans in the Los Angeles / Orange County area?
Let’s hang out!!! We can’t wait to come back to Chain. You guys have always been one of our favorites. Please come up to us and say “Hi.” We’ll try to not be awkward…no promises.
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