Mar 05, 2008 19:23
I will forever remember February 2008. It was the first time LIFE came crashing in on me!
(1)At the beginning of the month, I had my fourth and worst sinus infection yet.
(2)About a week after that, I totaled my car.
(3)And to top it all off, a week after that, over half of the carpeting in my apartment was saturated with toilet and shower drain water, and I ended up moving out.
For about two weeks, I was making major life changes. To help you understand this situation a little better, I'll explain a little about myself: I DO NOT HANDLE CHANGE WELL... at first. :)
The day that I was in the car accident, I was supposed to sing in church that evening. That song was put off until last Sunday. But, I'm kind-of glad it was, because I think it meant more to me as I sang it this time.
Here's the song I got to sing:
Verse One:
When living life for Jesus Christ becomes too hard a task
When obedience means sacrifice that seems too much to ask
That's when I learn that my own strength isn't really strength at all
And I find rest in humbleness when I surrender all
Verse Two:
When failures in my human strength have weakened all my pride
When ruined hope and fallen dreams have crumbled me inside
It's then by faith I finally see my strength in Jesus Christ
His victory is thrilling me as weakness fills my life
In my weakness... He is strong...
In my need He leads me on...
When I come to the end of all I am
And I place my trust in Him...
That's when His strength begins...
In my weakness
The whole time before the song, I was praying that it would be a blessing to several of the people listening. I think that prayer was answered- I heard many "amen"s afterward. Not only that, but I've never had so many people HUG me for singing a special! :D
God is so good... He's always good.