please, smile.

Jul 24, 2006 16:08

sometimes you just have to laugh.
and trust that everything is going to be okay,
even on the days where everything isn't.
especially on the days where everything isn't.
and trust the really good days,
in the spring
when everyone is remembering how to smile,
in the summer
when goodbyes were less bitter and more sweet,
in the fall
when we all got to know each other and shared,
in the winter
when it wasn't supposed to be good.
they are infallible, irreversible,
settled in the arbitrage,
they are stones to collect and carry in your pocket
and the clattering, chatting will be a comfort.

Old pictures.. major photoshopping (Yes, this is KP style.)

And it's funny, because today I can't smile because today has given me every reason to not smile. In addition to mentally forgetting how to smile, my body is slowly shutting down on me. At least the weather is amazing (though its' perfection is taunting me through the window).

Maybe I'll go for a long drive.
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