Apr 29, 2004 19:48
I've come to the conclusion that I definitely need a job. This is mainly because I have no money, no prospects, and once school's over no reason to get up in the morning, except that I like to do the crypticquote. Did I mention I need money? I'm pretty sure I have no useful skills whatsoever. I wouldn't mind working at Home Depot but I don't think I can do heavy lifting. I've got the arm strength of a malnourished four year old girl. I can't even write a cover letter for God sakes. I know I've done them a ridiculous amount of times for CLM and stuff but I really just can't do a real one. It doesn't take. I'm kind of excited for my potato speech on Saturday. Carruthers and Starratt told me they think it's a winning speech, so I'll be pissed if I don't place. Plus, most importantly, you win money, so I can't go wrong with that. And it's my birthday next Sunday, Mother's Day, so that's exciting. Can you guess what I asked for? Yeah that's right...money. We're watching Finding Nemo in English. I don't know why, there's no point to it, but it's a good movie so I'm enjoying it. As long as I don't have to do any work I'm happy about it. I forgot to bring Cheryl's Curb Your Enthusiasm tape that I made for her for her birthday...I didn't make it specifically for her birthday, but I thought I'd hold off and wait to give it to her until then so it would come off as some kind of homily present. More importantly, it doesn't cost any money. See a recurring theme here? I guess it couldn't be much worse than in grade 10 when I gave her a picture of me doing the "suprised face." Thank God I took that out of my repetoire. I sent in my Dal acceptance yesterday, despite an e-mail from my cousin Andrew who is doing Commerce at SMU...I recall the word BIG MISTAKE in all caps followed by several exclamation points. I miss hockey already, I need something to focus on. Right now all I've got is that I'll probably be coming back next year as an assistant coach, which will be fun. At the brilliant suggestion of Laura I believe I may have a prom date now, which is good. Now I need to write this cover letter and try to make my lack of experience and practical skills sound respectable, if not somewhat sophisticated...in the words of Jerry, who is soon to be 50, "Good luck with allllllll that."