Player Information:
Name or Handle: Hannah
Character Information:
Character Name: Tenel Ka Djo
Age: 19
Canon: Star Wars Expanded Universe
Tenl Ka is a fairly attractive young woman of nineteen with red-gold hair generally caught up in ‘warrior braids’ with ‘warrior beads’. She has awesome muscles, particularly arm muscles, grey eyes and a generally serious expression. Her favoured clothing is lizard-hide armour, but seeing as she’s showing up in her underwear, this is less important. She has since regained her left arm, everyone rejoice!
In truth there are many words that can be used to describe Tenel Ka, but the first impression (and many subsequent impressions) that she gives off is that of a reserved young woman who is kind of emotionally stunted. Her stoic demeanour, paired with her awesome muscles physical presence tends to be rather intimidating, and this is not something that she often seeks to dispel - nor is it something she particularly cares about.
Tenel Ka is a person who prefers to cut to the heart of matters. She hates the politics that are involved with her position, the inevitable lying and sneaking and backstabbing, and has made no secret of her disdain for liars and traitors. She is incredibly straightforward, to the point of bluntness; while she certainly thinks her actions through (more so in recent years), if she thinks something or someone is being stupid or just plain wrong, she won’t hesitate to inform this, even if that person is a close friend. When she was younger, this was a characteristic that she seldom held in check; being older and, if not wiser at least less naive, she often spends more time and thought considering whether or not that person is actually being an idiot, or simply disagreeing with her before she states her thoughts on the matter.
Having grown up in an atmosphere where breathing the wrong way could lead to some horrible political disaster, Tenel Ka learnt early on the value of keeping her emotions in check. As such she does, on occasion, have difficulty realising her own feelings, although as a person who has always carefully observed others, she is very adept at understanding through use of body language and intuition, the emotions of others. No matter what some people might accuse her of (Jaina) Tenel Ka does feel, and deeply at that. She simply possesses the ability to consult the facts of a situation, no matter how close it is to her heart, and make a decision that she feels is best based on her values and what is best for the most people, rather than what she might personally want; she was taught as a child to make her decisions based on reason, fact, and personal belief, not emotion.
An odd quirk of hers is her apparent lack of a sense of humour. Whether this is an outgrowth of her skill at setting aside her emotions, or whether she is so skilled at setting aside her emotions because of this is unknown, but conventional humour has little to no effect on her, and usually only serves to make her contemplate the joke as if it were serious. This isn’t to say she’s stupid - in general, she’s well aware of when someone is attempting to make a joke and can recognise that it is probably meant to be funny, she just doesn’t find it so and as such will turn the words over in her mind and attempt to find out where the humour was supposed to be. It doesn’t help that she’s surrounded by people who tell notoriously bad jokes, but she’s not completely devoid of humour. Her jokes tend to be on the dry side on the rare occasions that she makes them, and usually involve some kind of deadpan observation that makes it hard to tell if she’s being serious or not. Her friends and companions consider it to be a great success when something they do or say makes her smile, and there is only one person capable of making her laugh.
At the core of Tenel Ka’s personality is a fierce independence and incredible sense of duty and loyalty that shows through in all of her actions. She will not do with the Force anything that she can already do with her own mind and body; while once this may have been born out of pride and, admittedly, a little bit of arrogance, it is now simply a part of who she is. She refuses to let others make her choices for her, and accepts the consequences of her own actions; she will not make excuses for her decisions. She holds trust and loyalty to her friend paramount, and would not betray them for the world, even at the risk of her own life. She sees herself as a warrior, not a princess, and resents attempts from her grandmother and father to force her into that role; she is stubborn enough to withstand the pressure of a former Queen Mother of 63 planets trying to force her to do what she wants; when she does finally agree to being the next ruler of Hapes, it is out of her own sense of duty and honour, and what is best for her people - and she does this despite the fact that it devastates her.
OVER HERE! I’m taking her from Destiny’s Way, after she gets knighted and has been Queen Mother of Hapes for a while.
She was also in game for a few months before now, and had various adventures including death and hooking up with Jacen. Aww yeah.
Special Abilities or Weapons: Unlike her bros, Tenel Ka is basically your standard Jedi with your standard Jedi Force powers. Her physical prowess is definitely way above average, though - her morning run consists of an ‘easy’ twenty kilometres, and that’s only the beginning - and she’s able to fight on level with her peers, while only being in the possession of one arm.
Sect: Jedi
Job: Jedi Guardian
First Hutt Porn:
[A serious-looking young woman, remarkably unconcerned about her state of undress, appears on screen]
Ah. Hello. I have recently arrived in a predominately unfurnished apartment that appears to be part of a complex. If you are able to see this, I am politely requesting that you provide more information on these circumstances. [It’s possible that you can see the weapon she’s furnished out of a table-leg] In the meantime, I intend to investigate. If this is a kidnapping and you find my course of action to be unacceptable, you have half a minute or so to make this known.
If this is not a kidnapping, is it possible that someone could provide me with some manner of a weapon that is somewhat more suitable? [a pause] Some clothing would also be appreciated.
Third Ebon Hawke:
Tenel Ka had been to many places and considered it likely that she would visit many more, but Coruscant four thousand years in the past was honestly not a place she had ever expected to find herself in.
Nor had it, she suspected, entered Jacen’s mind as a possibility. Particularly not after the Vong. Nonetheless here they were, and as her friend stared absently out the window at the city-planet, Tenel Ka kept her calm gaze on him. The worry didn’t show on her face - never particularly demonstrative in the first place, over the past few months the Queen Mother had been required to practically reinvent the term ‘poker face’ - but it was there nonetheless, a quiet concern.
She had matters other than her friend weighing on her mind, though. Matters that, while she might wish them to be of lesser importance than him, unfortunately took precedence, although in a different matter. Her position as Queen Mother, while legitimate, was still tenuous. Jedi were not welcome in many places on Hapes, and Tenel Ka had just been knighted; in her absence, it was entirely possible - likely, even - that her grandmother or some other member of her power hungry family would seize the opportunity to take her throne. And little as she wanted it, the people of Hapes deserved...
Well. At the very least, Tenel Ka knew her family well enough to know that any one of them as Queen Mother would be an unmitigated disaster.
Anything Else: One room with Jacen Solo, please~