Let us get mental and tackle some tough questions:

Sep 19, 2005 18:38

Where do you stand on abortion?
I am for it, but only has a last means measure to save the life of the woman. I don't believe any woman has the right to abort as a form of birth control. If she gets pregnant, she should bring the child to term and then place the child up for adoption. Yes, even in a rape situation or Incestuous one, if the woman is not in danger of dying, she should have the child. Life is precious, people, why deny a child his or her place in the sun. (Disclaimer: Remember that this is MY opinion on the subject and not your opinion. Don't get angry.)

Where do you stand on capital punishment?
I firmly believe that there are times when killing a killer is needed. I will state that a person convicted of Murder, 1st degree, should be granted 10 years before said person is executed. This allows enough time to insure that this person is indeed guilty. At the end of the 10 year mark, take him or her out back and hang him or her by the neck until she or he are dead, dead, dead. There is no need to be humane with capital punishment, the killer wasn't when he or she killed. This includes those who are deemed mentally incapacitated. Just because they are crazy or incapable of understanding the crime does not give them the right to kill and not be punished. There is no known cure for those unable to understand and keeping them locked up for life will not help them to understand the nature of their crime.(disclaimer: like the one above, don't get angry at me for my opinion.)

What should we do with those who are mentally incapacitated?
Take good care of them by providing them with the necessary care and understanding, by researching new, better means to cope with their problems, to include research for a cure of what ever it is that ails them and by educating the public to accept them as fellow humans and not freaks, but remember that if he or she commits murder, she or he should be punished just like every one else. Treat them with equality and not as burdens. They are humans, too.

That is just three of the issues that we humans face now a days. You have read my stand on these issues, what, then, are yours?
Remember, don't get angry at what I have written. My thoughts on these are not too concrete, if you can convince me to change, I will change. Likewise, I expect the same from you.
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