the sweet mythtery of life...

Jul 25, 2005 20:29

What a day...

I found out today the exact date of my TDY. I will be on the plane heading to Texas on the 13 of Aug. I have to report to my duty station TWO days prior to class start. There goes my weekend. I had planned on doing something Friday night as it is my birthday.
What I will be doing now is staying at home, because I leave out the next day and want to be well rested. No biggie.

Here is how I found out: I got a call from my Super informing me that the AF had called about something and would I please give them a call back. Ok. I do this, I call them back and get the answering machine. I then call another number and get someone who does not work there on a daily basis, a person who does not know where my contact is and would I be so kind as to call back again, later. Sure. An hour later I call back, get the machine again, hang up, call the other number, get someone who does know where my contact is and who hand said contact the phone, talk with him and get the good news about my orders. Yippee.

I get back to the shop, clock out, check my oil, notice I am dry, yes, DRY, realize I need oil ASAP and drive off to Publix. As I am pulling into the parking lot, I am not paying too much attention as I make the corner and drive over a little bit of curb. No biggie. I do my shopping, buy what I need, head out to the car and discovered...that I had forgotten the oil. Yea. I go back inside, buy the oil and put some into the car. Problem solved until the oil change later in the week. I drive off for home.

About 3 miles down the road my tire goes flat.

I get a lucky break and managed to park at a little Jeep Dealership. The fella there helps me out, letting me use the air in the back for free. Air is put back into the tire, tire is pumped to full, air hose is extracted, and the screech of hissing, escaping air is heard coming from the valve stem. Oh joy! My valve stem is cut. Another fella there helps me change out my old tire with a donut and I drive off for home. I figured to get a new stem after I drop off my groceries at the old homestead. I figured.

Get home, unload, fix something to eat as I had not eaten all day, eat, clean up, check out some stuff right quick on the internet and wake up a few hours later. I do this everyday. I go right the heck to sleep after work. I do this because I work in the hot sun all day and am pretty effing exhausted from the exposure. Why? Hell if I know. Anyways, I look at the time and come to the realization that it is now too late and the tire place is closed. They close down at 7pm and it was 715pm. Go me!

I check my email. Oh look, an email from my contact at the base. Cool. Must be good news about my travel. I read it. Well, heck....

Seems I have been denied a rental car due to the length of my stay exceeding the price cut off. The cut off is 1 week rental. I will be there for over 9 weeks. Ah, life! Good news is I will be flying direct to the airbase. Just have to take the bus over to the actual base.
Or a taxi. Maybe I will rent a bike and ride it instead. Yea.

My tire is still flat. I will fix it tomorrow.

Saw the trailer for V for Vendetta. GONNA BE A GOOD MOVIE, PEOPLE!
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