I went to Oasis over the weekend and had an all right time of it. Oasis needs to grow more before I go back again, there just was not enough people there to make it worth while. 335+ was the total, but I only saw 75+ at any one time. The guests were great people with the majority being locals. My friend M.C.A.Hogarth was there along with my other friend, Glenda Finklestien. Both very good Authors in their own right. It was great to see them again as it has been a while since I last hugged either of them. Both have books coming out soon which I will pick up and read. I will post a report once my greedy little paws get ahold of em. If you are curious as to who they are then:
http://www.stardancer.org/ is where M.C.A.Hogarth hangs out and Glenda is at:
http://www.glendas-books.com/. Check them out, you will find it worth your while.
The con report official news: Pros and cons vary to an extent with this con. Cons: Location was bad mainly due to the amount of train traffic at odd hours of the morning. Nothing like waking up to the sound of horns blowing and the windows shaking due to the rumbling of the wheels as the trains rolled on by...at 1am in the morning. The ATM machine ran out of money by Friday night and was not replenished, this caused much discussions in many a language in the lobby, mostly cussing at the establishment for their failure to keep the cash flowing for those impulse buyers and the location of the ATM was something to be desired: ATM was located in an large alcove with no signs pointing it out underneath the non-working escalators and the ATM was the size of a walnut, that is to say, minuscule. A larger ATM would have solved the money issues. Other than that, I enjoyed my stay. The rooms were large with decent views of the Orlando landscape, the bed was pretty comfortable, the room had a great AC thermostat that kept it at a decent level for great sleep and the Maids were pros who deserve high praise for their 3L33T skills.
The convention pros and cons: Too damn small for my liking with not all that much to do or see. I am used to fairly large cons with 3+ video rooms, lots of space to mingle, crowds in the lobby, gaming rooms separate from the panel rooms and not next door, lots of panels where all the guests show up to attend, Klingons running around being rowdy with ale mugs in hand sharing out their version of blood wine, party rooms where people actually show up and lots of people at all hours wandering around in a haze from all the stuff there is to do.
The people who hosts Oasis have this policy: We like to keep it intimate. While that is great for them, for those of us who like more than that, this con is not doing it. I would love to see more people attend, with the con being held at a larger hotel with way more space.
The dealer's room was small and did not have much to attract my attention, other than Glenda and M.C.A.Hogarth. Both of whom are great writers of good books.
I will check out Oasis 19 next year as I am a supporter of any local convention. From what I have been told, it will be at a different hotel with more room. If they advertise more, the fans will show up and give their support.
Why am I updating my Journal and not doing my duty with the AF, you ask? Well...they screwed up my orders is why!
I get to the base at 650am after waking up at 5am and driving the long distance race through morning traffic. My orders are in, but they had the dates wrong: starting today and ending on Sunday. They were supposed to read as starting today and ending Friday. Ok. No worries, just have to resubmit them for amending. Around 10am the orders come back amended as follows: Start 01JUN05 through 10JUN05. Total 10 days continuous. Wonderful. SPiffy. Keen! I get no weekends for two weeks. I will be working 3 solid weeks till I get a day off. The 10 days plus 2 days UTA and then, back to my normal job which I have been thinking about quiting. OH JOY!
Long as I remember to take my bodyboard with me this time, I should be ok. I hear the waves should be in good size for the next few weeks, hurricane pending.
Speaking of 'canes, go get your supplies NOW! Do not procrastinate! Go! Get! Supplies!
Have a great week and an even better weekend, mes amis!