Mar 24, 2005 22:44
"Set her soul free from her imprisonment,
let her roam once more the land,
allow her to gaze upon the sun way on high,
give her the freedom that is Death's touch."
I have been thinking long and hard about this societal situation and the moral obligations that society has for her citizens. Especially those who cannot fend for themselves.
In the case of Terry, you have a husband who acknowledges that his wife must be set free, while on the other end are her parents who cling to a forlorn hope for recovery.
She has no chance of ever being truly alive again. Society, in this instance the United States government, intrudes upon the private areas of their lives, thus violating the constitutional boundaries, that being freedom of choice, freedom of religion and the right to privacy from governmental intrusion. The Judicial system, for once, is correct in the actions that it has taken so far and is in the right. They have been able to keep religion out of this and act as society determined adhering to the constitution and the laws of the land which help govern it.
In the meantime, Terry is dying slowly from dehydration which will eventually result in organ failure and, eventually, death from kidney failure.
Terry cannot eat or drink on her own as her voluntary/involuntary functions are inoperative due to her condition. If one where to give her a glass of water, she would drown from not being able to swallow. The only way she can obtain sustenance is by way of the feeding tube.
For 15 years she has been in a vegetative state, confined to a bed with that tube in her.
That is not living.
That is prolonged suffering for the sake of selfishness, appeasement for her parents who cannot let her go on to a better place.
Her soul is trapped with no outlet, she is suspended between the worlds in a prison of flesh and bones.
Terry needs to be let free from her shell.
Placing Terry into the care of her parents is not the best thing for her.
It would be further torture for her soul to endure, more hardship that her family would have to put up with.
You cannot do that to her, for she deserves the right to die and be set free from her prison.
Her soul needs to be let out at long last to mingle with the ether.
Let her die, so that she might live again.
That is my say on this matter in regards to Terry Schiavo.