May 15, 2006 12:05
I am back in a dream mode, having vivid dreams every night so I am starting to write them down. I hope to learn something. And twice now I have dreamed about falling asleep on drive thru. It’s weird, being asleep in your dream can be that you’re at a peace of mind or it can mean you are ignorant of the circumstances around you. And work can either mean you are experiencing anxiety about the certain task at hand or I have been slacking. So I am ignorant of a task that is causing me anxiety. I’m thinking too much.
My interim class I think is going to be good. The three and a half hours went by really fast today. I like the professor she makes it interesting. I can’t bring my coffee in there which sucks cuz it’s the first thing I will be doing in the morning. It’s nice waking up at 7 with the rest of the world. I don’t have to wake up at 3:30 until Friday YEAH! And the class is first aid and general safety so I’ll get to take to Sarah about it and what she does and how advanced her training will be compared to mine. Because I am a citizen responder and she is an EMT.
I hate the rain, it has overstayed or whatever you would call it, its been here too long. Grrrr….. And its tooooo cold.
I am bitter.