Last time:
Nnoitra (our founder) went on endless spouse-hunting but couldn't find a decent husband. Nonetheless, he gave birth to two children: Baraggan - an alien boy who is already a child - and baby Neliel. There were lots of people, lots of fire (due to challenges) and a burglar. Let's move on!
This is our next challenge! Yay :D
Aaaand we start the update with a passout from Baraggan. Poor kid. School life is tough!
Look who we wished back to life! Yes, it's Tijmen. But since he stìll wasn't able to marry Nnoitra...
...Nnoitra cheated on him right under his nose with Norton.
Nnoitra even seems happy about it lol.
Woohoo~ More babies? Who knows...
Tijmen was still hanging around for some reason.
Sexy night shot of Norton.
Admire his alienfather-outfit!
Smelly alien, smelly alien, what are they feeding you~?
Instead of taking a shower he plays with his toys. Oh well...
These two still have it going on!
Nnoitra is a real geek! He's a knowledge Sim and since the fears-challenge is over I have to get his aspiration back in the green. :D
Aww he's so cute. :3
Norton is taking his responsibilities, even if he doesn't live under the same roof!
Strange family isn't it?
Even with all the troubles, Nnoitra is still happily catching butterflies!
It's Neliels first birthdaaaaaay!
Too. Much. Confetti.
She looks a lot, and I mean a lot, like Norton.
Baraggan must be very neat I guess...
He's a real Gossip Guy.
Mandatory outfit-shot. Yes I was only using outfits that are already in his closet because I really didn't feel like going to a community lot at that moment. :p
Neliel just loves to draw.
And in the meantime Baraggan is obsessed with the telescope.
Making dem burgers.
Poor Neliel, you shouldn't have drunk that.
No smelly toddlers in this house!
Nnoitra changed outfits again!
Happy birthday Baraggan. :D
Holy Smokes! Baraggan is a sexy teenager.
He rolled knowledge and these turn-on's/turn-off.
Another shot of Baraggan.
Baraggan is still quite the unusual teenager. Sleeping in the same bed as his dad 'nd stuff.
...oh great.
...I wonder why I have so many screencaps of Baraggan.
All my Sims have a bubblebath-addiction. D:
This is why I love neat Sims in an ISBI legacy. :D
What's the problem, Neliel?
Neliel: The bathtub is broken and I'm getting water all over my face. D:
Poor thing.
How cute!
Oh... this is not so cute...
Looks like someone's growing up!
She looks a bit pudgy, but I think she's beautiful. The older she gets, the more she looks like Norton. Eeks! D:
It looks like Neliel spent almost her entire youth in the bathroom.
Nnoitra doesn't look too happy with his new outfit.
Groceries have arrived!
Nooooeeeeeeees my sexy Baraggan got fat. D: I bet it's from eating too much cookies and crisps.
Nnoitra got fat at the same time too. Nope, not pregnant! Just fat.
Aww he's reading her a story.
They look really close.
Oh god why. WHYYYY. D: The house was nearly finished! Damn! So I deleted everything and they had like §4044 left to build a new home.
Winter is coming...
Take a look at this fabulous new interior!
Baraggan is still fat and eating unhealthy things.
Baraggan: Don't judge me! We just lost our entire house!
Jacinta doesn't seem to enjoy her stay with the Gaspaccio family.
Luckily Nnoitra has a high paid job so I can expand the house rather quickly.
He does this with everyone visiting them.
Heck yesh! They even got a television!
And (sort of) decent food!
And because Baraggan is unhappy, he was constantly arguing with this lady about the trash can.
Nnoitra's cooking skills are getting better!
Looks like everything's going fine.
What? It's Nnoitra's birthday? Say goodbye to your youthful face!
He still looks pretty good, I think. :D
And with this I'll end this update!
Torch-holders (founders/heirs): 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 11
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 4
Self-Wettings: 1
Pass-Outs: 4
Fights: 0
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 1
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 0