Jul 22, 2012 08:25
Last week I wrote a 5600+ word short story about my first Artist's Date. That was a few days ago. I want to revise it, but I realized I haven't revised any of my creative writing since college (we're talking decades ago). I really didn't have a method back then for making revisions. I'd just leave my writing alone for a few days (weeks, if possible), then come back to it and tweak it to sound a bit better to my ears. I don't see how that is going to cut it for a book-length work though, so I'd like to learn and practice some good revision techniques on some shorter works before I try going after the novel I have (mostly) written.
So... I'm wondering how you go from a rough first draft to a polished work that is publish-worthy. How do you do revisions? Are there certain things you look for? Specific steps you follow? Am I making this harder than it has to be? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!