[Voice || Public]

Mar 08, 2009 04:55

Holidays certainly take people's minds off of things.

I've got a question for anyone who wants to answer: Why take to the skies? What drove you to airship travel? Was it a personal choice or a decision forced on you?

[Private to Anko || Very difficult to hack] )

thoughtful, questioning your reasons, holiday spirit he does not has, -heihachi, -greta, -cao cao, -ocelot, -anko, -garnet, -joshua

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[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 17:25:33 UTC

An intriguing question, I sometimes wonder myself as to why I chose such a path in my life but the answer I have is always the same.

I am merely ambitious.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 17:29:57 UTC
Ambitious for what?


[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 17:42:31 UTC
Some could say I am ambitious for power while others may claim I am ambitious for glory.

I have devoted much of my life to the Ivonian military and I honestly do regret doing so.

To some, the limit is beyond the sky while to others the sky is the limit. Fortunately to me, I believe in the first part of that quote.

Power and glory is only a fragment of what I seek but they are welcomed luxuries.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 17:51:02 UTC
I see, you've told me what others think you seek, but what do you pursue?

What's the limit?


[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 18:15:38 UTC
It might be unwise for me to voice my goals so publicly but...

Tiān Xià, All Under Heaven...to rule all under one heaven.

The political strife has gone long enough. The people are tired yet the government does not realize this.

The idea of there being limitations are merely a facade made by the human mind for in all due truth, there is no limitations that one cannot overcome.

This is perhaps why I pursue such an old ideology...

To rule all in peace under one heaven.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 18:18:16 UTC
An interesting goal.

Is it the desire to rule that drives you, or the desire to end strife?

I wonder if such a thing could even be accomplished in a single person's lifetime.


[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 18:24:21 UTC
It is both, I suppose.

I am certainly committed to such a goal regardless of how long my life shall be. If I do not succeed then I am sure my son and my clan shall but I do not view failure as an option for I.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 18:32:58 UTC
... A dream you can't let stay a dream. I can understand.


[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 18:52:37 UTC
Many lives hang in the balance upon the decision of men, if one man can tilt the scale and bring peace back to our world...

Then what is the harm of trying to make such a dream become a reality?

I am sure you realize this is true.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 19:00:55 UTC
Peace won't be that easy, people rarely agree without force.

There can be a lot of harm in following your ambitions. When you reach beyond all limits, what is there to stop you from abusing your own power?


[Voice] dragon_of_wei March 8 2009, 19:43:44 UTC
I am quite aware of that but peace will come regardless if people agree to it or not...

It is merely the Will of the Heavens, sort of speak. Peace shall come when both sides have been tamed.

As for myself, once I have reached beyond the all limitations bestowed before me, I shall give this burden we call 'power' to another to utilize.

It must seem odd that I answer in such a way but a Hero of Chaos cannot become a ruler for it is chaos he lives to quell.


[Voice] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 20:15:59 UTC
Hm. That's going to require a lot of bloodshed.

And interesting answer, but will there ever be a peace in which you can pass on such power?

People have a way of being restless. And who knows if someone you deem worthy is really worthy?


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