[Voice || Public]

Mar 08, 2009 04:55

Holidays certainly take people's minds off of things.

I've got a question for anyone who wants to answer: Why take to the skies? What drove you to airship travel? Was it a personal choice or a decision forced on you?

[Private to Anko || Very difficult to hack] )

thoughtful, questioning your reasons, holiday spirit he does not has, -heihachi, -greta, -cao cao, -ocelot, -anko, -garnet, -joshua

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smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 12:31:15 UTC
An interesting question. I like to think it was...destiny that lead me back to an airship.

...Although this is really one of those cases with destiny taking you places you never expected to go.


heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 12:41:45 UTC
Destiny? Do you really believe our lives our controlled by fate?

What makes you say that?


smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 12:52:10 UTC
I believe that life is what you make of it, but some things just seem to fit into place a little too perfectly for it to be just coincidence. Besides, I like to think that when you have a goal in mind, it's fate that keeps you on the right path.

Aha. Well. I'm a member of the 4423. If you've been following the news, you'll know.


heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 12:57:42 UTC
Hm. What would you consider the difference between fate and luck then, and the point of will or desire?

Ah. But when you signed on a pirate ship, being sent to trial surely must have been a future you at least considered possible, if not necessarily for those reasons.

Your name?


[Locked to Someone who has also yet to introduce himself // Difficult to Hack] smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 13:14:32 UTC
While I like to believe in destiny, I don't think it controls you. You can run from it. You can ignore it. You might lose it by accident if something unexpected comes up, but if you keep looking for it you'll find it again eventually. It's all a matter of what you choose, and, well, luck's just the random roll of the dice that keeps things interesting. I've sort of learned that people who follow a destiny get luckier more often than not, though.

Honestly, I never gave it that much thought. Don't get me wrong, I knew it could happen, but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to happen like that. Nothing so trivial, you know? This is...well, not what I expected, but if I'm here it must be for a reason.

It's Heihachi. Yours?


[Locked to Destiny Boy // Difficult to Hack] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 13:29:57 UTC
Interesting concept, being able to lose your own destiny. What is destiny to you then, if not inescapable?

I don't think most people consider what happened at Doma trivial. I also don't believe your ship should be blamed on circumstantial evidence alone. But what if it's not your destiny that has the 4423 heading to Ivona, but someone elses?



[Locked to Cynical Questioner // Difficult to Hack] smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 13:44:06 UTC
I don't think destiny is something inevitable and unchanging. It shapes itself to circumstance. It grows as you do. A farmer doesn't just have to resign himself to being a farmer because that's what status he was born to. Taking a different path than the one laid out for you sometimes means choosing your own destiny, you know?

I meant I didn't expect to be jailed over something trivial. This definitely isn't; believe me I know that better than anyone. And if that's the case then I guess my destiny is to go with them! Like the crossroads of fate intersecting. Kind of poetic, really.

Nice to meet you, Sasuke. In spite of the circumstances.


[Locked to Too Cheerful for his Circumstances // Difficult to Hack] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 13:53:36 UTC
I see. So destiny to you is a cross between free will and uncontrollable events? That's a take on the concept I haven't heard before.

Poetic or not, you might die for it. If you're innocent and paying for the crimes of another, what destiny is that to you?

And you, Heihachi. You've got an interesting outlook, even if I can't agree with it.


[Locked to Someone who could use a little more optimism! // Difficult to Hack] smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 14:08:24 UTC
Haha! Something like that. Destiny is the road you walk on, not the tree that falls down in front of you. Does that make more sense? And whether you choose to go around it or start heading back the way you came...that's the role choice plays. Either way, you're always heading somewhere, it just might not be the place you want to go if you don't choose carefully.

Death was always a possibility, but surely you don't think we would have handed ourselves over without a fight if we weren't innocent. I have faith...that either the real truth will come to light or else in my crew, because if worse came to worse we'll find a way out of this.


[Locked to Has enough optimism for both of us // Difficult to Hack] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 14:16:36 UTC
I see. That does make sense. But what if you want to leave the road entirely? Would that be losing your destiny?

I see. I am inclined to believe you innocent for reasons other than turning yourselves in, but even if you are entirely innocent doesn't mean you'll be proven so in court.


Locked to Could use a hug~<3 // Difficult to Hack] smiling_samurai March 8 2009, 14:26:05 UTC
If you don't mind extending the metaphor then yes...but if you keep walking in a completely new direction you might find another road. Different destination, different destiny. Unless you're really intent on staying lost, that is. Some people are, I think.

No of course not. Ivona's looking for any reason to prove us guilty. That just means we have to be prepared.


[Locked to Too damn chipper // Difficult to Hack] heir_of_fire March 8 2009, 15:01:18 UTC
Whether or not you believe in destiny I think there are definitely too many people lost. And determined to be that way.

It seems that way. But do you really think if you are sentenced Ivona will let you escape so easily?


[Locked to Far too jaded // Difficult to Hack] smiling_samurai March 10 2009, 22:30:13 UTC
Not everyone wants to follow a destiny. Some people just like the quiet life. Can't blame them for that.

Well, I didn't say it'd be easy...


[Locked to Way too nice // Difficult to Hack] heir_of_fire March 12 2009, 07:35:12 UTC


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