Mar 21, 2006 13:15
Goddamnit, how many times do I have to tehr you?! You don't use the WMDs untihr you see the signahr!! I have worked TEN YEARS on this pran! It is a very precise, and a compricated pran!! I am sick of you terrorists fucking it up!! Now take the weapons where I tord you and wait for the GODDAMN SIGNAHR THIS TIME!! Goodbye!!! [turns the screen off] Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more peopre interrigent, rike me?
I'm... so... ronery. So ronery,
So ronery and sadry arone.
There's no one, just me onry
Sitting on my rittre throne
I work wery hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry...
And so... I'm ronery.
A little ronery.
Poor rittre me...
There's nobody I can rerate to
Feer rike a bird in a cage
It's kind of sihry, but not rearry.
Because it's fihring my body with rage
I'm the smartest, most crever, most physicarry fit
But nobody erse seems to rerarize it
When I change the wohrd maybe they'rr notice me...
And until then... I'rr just be ronery. Hehhh, a rittre ronery...
Poor rittre me......
I'm... so... ronery...
Im jsut sitting watching L word season 2...looking on teh jobmarket and finding nothing*sighs*
A lady i talk to from scotland came over with her bf,weve been talking for like 6 months or so but shes reali nice and it was good to actually have a friend that isnt out to try and break a relationship up...we just walked about town and went for a wee drink!
We headed to pick up peachys sister and played a game of pool then headed and got summat to eat,then done a mini pub crawl,started at union,then mynt and then to teh k...cudnt wait to get home,was feelin icky!altho i was in my own wee box in my own wee world in my wee head...just think i cudnt wait to get home and get all cuddled up in bed n just to fall asleep in my gud ladys arms!
The weekend flew in tho...wishin this week flys in..startin to reali detest my job..thinkin of ringin in sick im that fed up wit it...but i caaaaaaaaaaaant...*sighs*