Motion City Soundtrack and OK Go

Mar 06, 2006 22:12

ok so Tuesday night was the Motion City Soundtrack concert with The Spill Canvas, Plain White T's and Ok go at Slim's in the city.

First, let me say that Slim's is my new favorite venue...its suuper small and they play old Betty Boop cartoons and Barbie workout tapes in between bands.

So basically the night started with waiting outside with Skye and this girl from Brentwood that we met there. We'd been waiting for like 30 mins when all of a sudden I look up and fuckin Justin Pierre, lead singer of Motion City is walking by me. Some idiot girl started freaking out and screaming so he ran onto the tour bus before she could rape him to death in front of us. So basically that sucked cuz I couldnt meet him but whatev.

So then the doors opened and we went in and I bought a MCS sweatshirt and a plain white t's shirt for alyse then me and Skye went to join the floor. We were about 4th row while we waited for the show start.

The Spill Canvas came on first. They were AWESOME. The lead singer is only like 19 and he kept saying stuff trying to be funny but it really wasnt but that only made him cooler. Immediately after they came on it got REALLY squished on the floor. definitely couldnt breathe, which was awesome as well.

The only thing that wasn't so awesome was that the crowd was LAAAAME. Me and Skye were literally the ONLY ones dancing. No exagerration.The Plain White T's totally called us on it too, Tim was like "you guys whould be going fucking crazy by now". But all the people seemed to want to do is push. Not the cool mosh pit type of pushing either just the one were everyone gets the life squeezed out of them by the 50 other people falling on top of them.

Some guy fell down and grabbed onto my shirt on the way down. umm can you say "involuntary exposure?" haha he was more embarassed than I was.

So Plain White T's were amazing. The rad thing about them is that theyre all skinny, pretty white boys and then the drummer is just randomly black. His name is De'mar and im in love :)

Then OK go came on. Now, they were the only band I'd never heard of and HOLY SHIT were they amazing. The singer, Damian had so much energy and he was HILARIOUS. It also helped that he stage dove right on top of me and I got to hold onto his head for a while lol. But the best part was after their set was over and he gets up and says " well, since MTV doesnt play music videos anymore, we thought we'd give you our music video right here on this stage." I can't even explain what happened next in a way that will do it justice. Go here to watch it: - its the "million ways dance"...imagine seeing it live on a stage

So then it was time for Motion City. Like I said, the crowd had been pretty dead the whole time with the exception of myself and Skye, but when Motion City came on it got craaaazy. This big quiet serious looking guy who'd been next to me for a while with his arms crossed during the openers totally freaked out and went wild. He elbowed me in the face which was pretty cool haha. I held onto his back for a while to keep from being trampled the first couple minutes but then I just went crazy myself and people stayed away. It was intense...I dont think I stopped for more than 30 secs the whole set...which was 17 songs and lasted till 11:45.

So yeah, in all this was the best concert I've been to in my life...MCS puts on such an amazing live show and they stay on stage soo much longer than most headliners I've seen with the exception of Jack Johnson who stays up for about 50 hours. YAY!

Final Count:

Elbows in the face: 1
Shoes untied: 2
Beers spilled on Skye: 1
Damians Caught:1
Sample Cds given: 2
William Beckett look-alikes: 1
Bruised ribs: about 50
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